International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Names Database

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127 names found:

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Accepted names are in bold.

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Species: Nepenthes abalata Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Nord.J.Bot.31:153 (2013)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes alata Blanco
Type: Marilison (Malalison) Is., Antique Prov., Panay, PH, 5. 1918, McGregor 32313 (US)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes abgracilis Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Phytotaxa 151:29 (2013)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes alata Blanco
Type: Surigao Prov., Mindanao, PH, 4. 1919, Ramos & Pascasio in BS 34501B (UC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes adnata Tamin & Hotta ex Schlauer
Publication: Blumea 39:141 (1994)
Status: Accepted
Type: River Tjampo, Taram E Payakumbuh, ID, 25. 8. 1957, W.Meijer 6941 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (C Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes adrianii J.Batoro & A.Wartono
Publication: Ind.J.Pl.Sci.6:14 (2017)
Status: Accepted
Comment: nom.nud.
Type: Slamet Mt., Baturaden, Purwokerto, C Java, ID, 2. 2004, Adrian 1 (Herb. Bio Unibraw)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Java)
Floristic Provinces: South Malesia

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Species: Nepenthes alata Blanco
Publication: Fl.Filip.1.ed.:805 (1837)
Status: Accepted
Type: Vintar, Ilocos, Luzon, PH, Blanco s.n. (?MA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: Hanging plant w/pitchers at Cal State Univ., Fullerton
Image: Cultivated plant: closeup of pitchers
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: multiple views of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes albomarginata Lobb ex Lindl.
Publication: Gard.Chron.1849:580 (1849)
Status: Accepted
Type: SG, Wallich 2244 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra), Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra
Red List: LR (cd)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes alzapan Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Phytotaxa 100:59 (2013)
Web Publication: http://doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.100.1.6
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Alzapan, Tayabas Prov., Luzon, PH, 6. 7. 1925, Ramos & Edano 45690 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Publication: Comp.Bot.Mag.1:271 (1835)
Status: Accepted
Lectotype: SG, Jack s.n. (SING) Jebb & Cheek
Lectotype publication: Blumea 42:18 (1997)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae
Countries: Thailand, Indonesia (Borneo, N.Guin., Sumatra), Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes, Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra, Moluccas
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: Ground pitchers.
Image: Ground pitchers.
Image: Rosettes with pitchers on climbing stems.
Image: Large air-rosette pitchers.
Image: Air-rosette.
Image: Air-rosette, single pitcher.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes andamana M.Catal.
Publication: Nepenthes della Thailandia:34 (2010)
Status: Accepted
Type: Takuapa, Phang-nga prov., TH, 2009, M.Catalano 013395 (BCU)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes argentii Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:19 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Type: above Magdiwang on ridge leading to Mayos Peak, Sibuyan Is., PH, 27. 8. 1989, Argent & Reynoso 89119 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: C Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes aristolochioides Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:22 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Tudjuh, Mt.Kerinci, Sumatra, ID, 5. 8. 1956, W.Meijer 6542 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (C Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes attenboroughii A.S.Robinson, S.McPherson & V.B.Heinrich
Publication: Bot.J.Linn.Soc.159:196 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Victoria, Palawan, PH, 24. 6. 2007, A.Robinson AR001 (PPC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines (Palawan)
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR

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Species: Nepenthes barcelonae Tadang & Cheek
Publication: Phytotaxa 222:146 (2015)
Status: Accepted
Type: Sierra Madre Mt. range, Aurora Prov., Luzon, PH, 22. 2. 2014, Tadang, Pelser & Barcelona 1727 (PNH)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes bellii Kondo
Publication: Bull.Torr.Bot.Cl.96:653 (1969)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mindanao, Surigao prov., Swimming pool between Hayangobon & Carrascar, PH, 14. 4. 1968, K.Kondo 11514 (UNC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: EN (B1,B2e)
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes benstonei C.Clarke
Publication: Sandakania 13:80 (1999)
Status: Accepted
Type: B.Bakar, Kelantan, MY, 24. 7. 1988, C.Clarke s.n. (KEP)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Malaysia
Floristic Provinces: Malaya
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes biak Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 62:175 (2018)
Status: Accepted
Type: Biak Is., Papua Prov., ID, donated by R.Cantley, ex cult. RBG, Kew (2002-896), 25. 8. 2017, Cheek 18785 (MAN)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f.
Publication: DC., Prodr.17:97 (1873)
Status: Accepted
Type: Lawas River, MY, Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae
Countries: Indonesia (Borneo), Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: VU (B1,B2e)
Image: Lower pitchers in habitat
Image: Upper pitchers in habitat
Image: Lower pitchers in habitat
Image: Upper pitchers in habitat
Image: Whole plant growing in the forest
Image: Lower pitchers in habitat
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes bokorensis Mey
Publication: Carniflora Australis 7:8 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: Phnom Bokor, Kampot Prov., KH, 7. 12. 1968, M.Martin 1231bis (P 00686441)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Cambodia
Floristic Provinces: South Indochina
Red List: EN B2ab(iii)

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Species: Nepenthes bongso Korth.
Publication: Verh.:19 (1839)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Merapi, ID, Korthals s.n. (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (B1,B2e)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes boschiana Korth.
Publication: Verh.:25 (1839)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Sakoembang, ID, Korthals s.n. (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (S Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: EN (B)
Image: Multiple views of pitcher.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes burbidgeae Hook.f. ex Burb.
Publication: Gard.Chron.2.ser.17:56 (1882)
Status: Accepted
Type: Kinabalu, Mari-pari spur, MY, Burbidge s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes burkei Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.6:492 (1889)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Type: PH, Burke s.n. (K000651451)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: N Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines

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Species: Nepenthes campanulata Kurata
Publication: Gard.Bull.(Singap.) 26:227 (1973)
Status: Accepted
Type: E Borneo, Mt.Ilas Bungaan, ID, 9. 9. 1957, Kostermans 13764 (SING)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Malaysia (Sarawak), Indonesia (E Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes chang M.Catal.
Publication: Nepenthes della Thailandia:38 (2010)
Status: Accepted
Type: Ko Chang, Trat prov., TH, 2009, M.Katalano 013394 (BCU)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Malaya
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, C.C.Lee & S.McPherson
Publication: Sabah Parks Nat.J.7:56 (2006)
Status: Accepted
Type: Bt Lawi, Bario, Sarawak, Borneo, MY, 24. 8. 1995, Awa & Lee S50980 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LC

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Species: Nepenthes clipeata Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:281 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Kelam, Res. W div., Kalimantan, ID, 2. 1894, Hallier B2344 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (W Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: CR (A1a,B1,B2e,D)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes copelandii Merr. ex Macf.
Publication: Pflanzenr.36:51 (1908)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Apo, Mindanao, PH, 4. 1904 E.B.Copeland 1033 (US)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes danseri Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:30 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Type: Go village, Waigeo Is., N.Guin., ID, 8. 9. 1992, M.Jebb 989 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (Waigeo Is.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: VU (B1,B2d)
Image: multiple views of plant and pitchers.

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Species: Nepenthes deaniana Macf.
Publication: Pflanzenr.36:57 (1908)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Pulgar, Palawan, PH, Curran 3891 (PNH?|)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes densiflora Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.16:268 (1940)
Status: Accepted
Type: Pucuk Agusan above Penosan, Aceh, Sumatra, ID, 28. 1. 1937, Van Steenis 8331B (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes diatas Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:33 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Bandahara 10 km NE Seldok, 25 km N Kutacane, Aceh, Sumatra, ID, de Wilde & de Wilde-Duyfjes 14927 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes distillatoria L.
Publication: Sp.Pl.1.ed.:955 (1753)
Status: Accepted
Type: Colombo, LK, Hermann s.n. (BM000621994)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Sri Lanka
Floristic Provinces: Ceylon/Sri Lanka
Red List: VU (B2d)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)

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Species: Nepenthes dubia Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:285 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Comment: priority for supposed parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes bongso Korth. * Nepenthes inermis Danser
Type: G.Talakmau, Res. W coast, Sumatra, ID, 29. 5. 1917, Buennemeijer 938 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (W Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: CR (B1,B2e,D)
Image: Multiple views of plant and pitcher
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes edwardsiana Low ex Hook.f.
Publication: Trans.Linn.Soc.22:420 (1859)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes villosa Hook.f.
Type: Kinabalu, MY, Low s.n. (K000651532)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes ephippiata Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:286 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Bt.Batoe Lesoeng, Res. SE div., Kalimantan, ID, 28. 1. 1899, Amdjah 497 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (C Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: VU (D1)
Image: Multiple views of pitcher and plant.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes eustachya Miq.
Publication: Fl.Ind.Batav.1:1074 (1858)
Status: Accepted
Type: Sibolga, Sumatra, ID, Teysmann s.n. (?BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: single pitcher, with red striped peristome, among mosses.

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Species: Nepenthes eymae Kurata
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:41 (1984)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Type: N G.Lumut N spur, C Celebes, ID, 5. 11. 1983, Kurata, Atsumi & Komatsu 102a (NDC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (E Borneo, Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo, Celebes
Red List: VU (D2)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: Closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes faizaliana Adam & Wilcock
Publication: Blumea 36:123 (1991)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Type: Batu Panjang, G.Mulu Natl. Park, MY, 10. 11. 1981, Lai & Jugah S 44163 (SAR)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes fallax G.Beck
Publication: Wien.Ill.Gart.Z.20:191 (1895)
Status: Accepted
Type: Borneo, MY, Low s.n. (W)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo), Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (lc)
Chromosomes: 80 ut Nepenthes stenophylla auct. non Mast.: Danser Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)

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Species: Nepenthes flava Wistuba, Nerz & A.Fleischm.
Publication: Blumea 52:159 (2007)
Status: Accepted
Type: N Sumatra, ID, ex cult., A.Wistuba 100201 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes fusca Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:288 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Kemoel, Res. SE div., Kalimantan, ID, 12. 10. 1925, Endert 3955 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (E Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes glabrata Turnbull & Middleton
Publication: Reinwardtia 10:107 (1984)
Status: Accepted
Comment: 'glabratus'
Type: Tri Tunggal Eboni Corp. Lumber Conc., Celebes, ID, 31. 8. 1983, J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton 83113a (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Cultivated plant
Image: Pitchers of a plant growing in a tree.

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Species: Nepenthes glandulifera C.C.Lee
Publication: Sandakania 15:95 (2004)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Bukit Batu W Ridge, Hose Mts., Sarawak, Borneo, MY, C.Lee S87442 (SAR)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes gracilis Korth.
Publication: Verh.:22 (1839)
Status: Accepted
Type: Borneo, ID, Korthals s.n. (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae?
Countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra), Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes, South Indochina, Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes
Red List: LR (lc)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.
Publication: J.Linn.Soc.Bot.38:320 (1908)
Status: Accepted
Type: Pahang, G.Tahan, MY, 29. 5. 1905, Wray & Robinson 5309 (SING)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Malaysia
Floristic Provinces: Malaya
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes gymnamphora Reinw. ex Nees
Publication: Ann.Sci.Nat.1.ser.3:366 (1824)
Status: Accepted
Type: Java, ID, 1817, Reinwardt s.n. (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (S Borneo, Java, Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo, Sumatra, South Malesia
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: Multiple images of plant growing in forest litter
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes hamata Turnbull & Middleton
Publication: Reinwardtia 10:108 (1984)
Status: Accepted
Comment: 'hamatus'
Type: G.Lumut W ridge, Celebes, ID, 19. 9. 1983, J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton 83121a (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes
Red List: VU
Image: Multiple images of various pitcher forms

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Species: Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Publication: DC., Prodr.17:99 (1873)
Status: Accepted
Type: Lawas River, MY, Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae?
Countries: Indonesia (Borneo), Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes holdenii Mey
Publication: S.McPherson, Carniv.Pl.& their Habitats:1310 (2010)
Status: Accepted
Type: Cardamom Mts., Pursat Prov., W KH, 1. 8. 2009, F.Mey 1A (RUPP)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Cambodia
Floristic Provinces: South Indochina
Red List: NT

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Species: Nepenthes hurrelliana M.Cheek & A.Lamb
Publication: Sabah Parks Nat.J.6:118 (2003)
Status: Accepted
Comment: priority for supposed parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Type: G.Lumarku, Sabah, Borneo, MY, A.Lamb & Surat 145/99 (SAN)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (Borneo), Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes inermis Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:312 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Bt.Gombak, Sumatra Barat, ID, 16. 11. 1918, Buennemeijer 5749 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU
Image: Multiple views of pitchers and plant
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes insignis Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:314 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: border of Beaufort River, SW N.Guin., ID, 9. 11. 1912, Pulle 277 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Multiple views of plant in habitat, Biak, Irian Jaya
Image: Multiple views of plant in habitat, Tayeve, Irian Jaya
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes izumiae T.Davis, C.Clarke, & Tamin
Publication: Blumea 48:180 (2003)
Status: Accepted
Type: B.Barisan N Bukittinggi, Sumatra, 13. 7. 2000, C.Clarke, T.Davis & R.Tamin 1309 (ANDA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes jacquelineae C.Clarke, T.Davis & Tamin
Publication: Nepenthes of Sumatra & Mal.Penins.:146 (2001)
Status: Accepted
Type: B.Barisan N Bukittinggi, Sumatra, 30. 6. 2000, C.Clarke, T.Davis & R.Tamin 1307 (ANDA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes jamban C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi
Publication: Blumea 51:562 (2006)
Status: Accepted
Type: B.Barisan S Padang Sidempuan, Sumatera Utara, Sumatra, ID, 22. 4. 2005, C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi NP 433 (ANDA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes kerrii M.Catal. & T.Kruetr.
Publication: Nepenthes della Thailandia:32 (2010)
Status: Accepted
Type: Taruato Marine Park, Satun prov., TH, 1928, Kerr 14127 (BK)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Publication: DC., Prodr.17:102 (1873)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: /Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq.
Type: Khasia hills, Mt.Jyntea, IN, Wallich 2244 p.p. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: India (Assam)
Floristic Provinces: Khasi-Manipur
Red List: EN (B2c)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)

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Species: Nepenthes klossii Ridl.
Publication: Trans.Linn.Soc.2.ser.9:140 (1916)
Status: Accepted
Type: SW N.Guin., Wollaston Exped. camp, ID, 26. 1. 1913, Kloss s.n. (SING)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: VU (D2)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes krabiensis Nuanlaong, Onsanit, Chusangrach & Suraninpong
Publication: Thai For.Bull.Bot.44:128 (2016)
Status: Accepted
Comment: nom.nud.
Type: Mt. Nor Ju Jee, Khlong Thom Distr., Krabi Prov., TH, 29. 7. 2015, Nuanlaong 01464 (Herbarium of Walailak University)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: CR B2ab (ii)

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Species: Nepenthes lamii Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:54 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Type: Doorman Top, N.Guin., ID, 17. 10. 1920, Lam 1637 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Multiple views of pitcher.

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Species: Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.25:106 (1996)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Telong, Aceh, Sumatra, ID, 26. 3. 1996, A.Wistuba & H.Rischer 26032 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: CR (B1)

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Species: Nepenthes lingulata C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi
Publication: Blumea 51:565 (2006)
Status: Accepted
Type: B.Barisan S Padang Sidempuan, Sumatera Utara, Sumatra, ID, 22. 4. 2005, C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi NP 432 (ANDA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes longifolia Nerz & Wistuba
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:105 (1994)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: Tjampo Mts., Taram, Sumatra, ID, 25. 9. 1992, J.Nerz 2801 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (C Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes lowii Hook.f.
Publication: Trans.Linn.Soc.22:420 (1859)
Status: Accepted
Type: Kinabalu, MY, Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: Pitcher in habitat: Mt.Kinabalu
Image: Multiple images of plant: Trusmadi
Image: Multiple images of plant: Mulu
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes macfarlanei Hemsl.
Publication: Proc.Linn.Soc.:12 (1905)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Boobo, Perak, MY, E.G.R.-King's coll. 7395 (SING)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Malaysia
Floristic Provinces: Malaya
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes macrophylla (Marabini) Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 42:58 (1997)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes villosa Hook.f.
Basionym: Nepenthes edwardsiana subsp. macrophylla Marabini
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: CR (B1,B2c,C2b)
Image: Multiple closeups of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes macrovulgaris Turnbull & Middleton
Publication: J.Linn.Soc.Bot.96:352 (1987)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Silam, Sabah, MY, 1. 6. 1981, Turnbull & Middleton 81166 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae?
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes madagascariensis Poir.
Publication: Lam., Encycl.Meth.Bot.4:459 (1797)
Status: Accepted
Type: MG, Commerson s.n. (P)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Madagascar
Floristic Provinces: Eastern Madagascar
Red List: VU (D2)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)

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Species: Nepenthes mapuluensis Adam & Wilcock
Publication: Blumea 35:265 (1990)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Type: Berouw, Top of Mt.Ilas Mapulu, E Borneo, ID, 23. 9. 1957, Kostermans 14017 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae?
Countries: Indonesia (E Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (nt)

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Species: Nepenthes mariae Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Blumea 61:60 (2016)
Status: Accepted
Comment: 'maryae'
Type: Central Sulawesi, ID, 27. 2. 2000, Argent, Mendum & Hendrian 205 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes masoalensis Schmid-Hollinger
Publication: Bot.Jahrb.Syst.97:576 (1977)
Status: Accepted
Type: Ambato, MG, 30. 3. 1949, Zakahosy s.n. (P 00146086)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Madagascar
Floristic Provinces: Eastern Madagascar
Red List: EN (C2b)
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Publication: Ann.Sci.Nat.1.ser.3:369 (1824)
Status: Accepted
Type: Res. Manado, G.Roemengan, Celebes, ID, 1812, Reinwardt 1537 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes, N.Guin.), Papua New Guinea
Floristic Provinces: Celebes, Moluccas, Papua
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: Plant in cultivation
Image: Multiple closeups of pitchers in habitat
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: close up of single pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes merrilliana Macf.
Publication: Contr.Bot.Lab.Univ.Penna.3:207 (1911)
Status: Accepted
Type: Dinagat, Surigao del Norte Prov., Mindanao, PH, 1907, W.I.Hutchinson 7545 (PNH?|)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes), Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines, Celebes
Red List: VU (D2)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes micramphora V.B.Heinrich, S.R.McPherson, T.Gronemeyer & V.B.Amoroso
Publication: S.R.McPherson, Pitcher Pl.O.W.2:1314 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: trail from S.Isidro, Mt.Hamiguitan, Mindanao, PH, 31. 1. 2005, V.Amoroso & R.Aspiras 00003545 (CMUH)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Philippines (Mindanao)
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes mikei Salmon & Maulder
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.24:82 (1995)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Pangulubau, E side of Lake Toba, N Sumatra, ID, 17. 2. 1995, B.Salmon & R.Maulder 221719 (AK)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes mindanaoensis Kurata
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 32 (2001)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Carrascal near Surigao, Mindanao, PH, 6. 8. 1999, Y.Mino 6838 (NDC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: EN (B1,B2d)

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Species: Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Publication: Rev.Hortic.40:270 (1869)
Status: Accepted
Basionym: Phyllamphora mirabilis Lour.
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae?
Countries: Thailand, Viet Nam, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Cambodia, S China, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Micronesia, NE Australia
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes, South China, Thailand, Annam, South Indochina, Malaya, Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra, Celebes, Moluccas, Papua, Micronesia, Queensland
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: Multiple views of plant in habitat, Sulawesi
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes mollis Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:338 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Res. SE div., G.Kemoel, Kalimantan, ID, 17. 10. 1925, Endert 4282 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (E Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: DD
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes monticola A.S.Robinson, Wistuba, Nerz, M.Mansur & S.McPherson
Publication: New Nepenthes 1:543 (2011)
Status: Accepted
Type: Doorman Top, New Guinea, ID, Docters van Leeuwen 10834 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas

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Species: Nepenthes muluensis Hotta
Publication: Acta Phytotax.Geobot.22:7 (1966)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mardi between 3. & 4. camp G.Mulu W ridge, Sarawak, MY, 18. 3. 1964, M.Hotta 14791d (KYO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes naga Akhriadi, Hernawathi, Primaldhi & Hambali
Publication: Reinwardtia 12:340 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: hill around Panyabungan City, N Sumatra, ID, 27. 7. 2007, A.Primaldhi & M.Hambali DivNep052 (ANDA)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra

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Species: Nepenthes neoguineensis Macf.
Publication: Nov.Guin.8:340 (1911)
Status: Accepted
Type: Noord River near Sabang Camp, Nepenthes Hill, N.Guin., ID, 25. 9. 1907, G.M.Versteeg 1746 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.), Papua New Guinea
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas, Papua
Red List: LR (lc)
Image: Multiple views of plant and pitchers.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Publication: Gard.Chron.2.ser.16:717 (1881)
Status: Accepted
Type: Sarawak near Jambusan, MY, 1876, M.North s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae?
Countries: Malaysia (W Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: VU
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes ovata Nerz & Wistuba
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:108 (1994)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Pangulubao, N Sumatra, ID, 16. 3. 1989, J.Nerz 1601 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Multiple views of pitcher.

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Species: Nepenthes paniculata Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:344 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Doorman-Top ridge, NW N.Guin., ID, 9. 10. 1920, Lam 1569 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: EN (C2b)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes papuana Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:346 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Rouffaerrivier, NW N.Guin., ID, 9. 1926, Docters van Leeuwen 10340/1 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Urceolatae?
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: DD
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes peltata Kurata
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 59:12 (2008)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Hamiguitan Range, Davao Oriental, Mindanao, PH, ex cult. Nanso Bot. Gard., Koshikawa 44 (KYO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes pervillei Bl.
Publication: Mus.Bot.Lugd.Batav.2:10 (1852)
Status: Accepted
Type: Mahe, SC, Perville 98 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Seychelles
Floristic Provinces: Seychelles
Red List: VU (D2)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)

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Species: Nepenthes petiolata Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:353 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: trail from lake Danao to Mt.Urdaneta (Masay) summit, Cabadbaran, Agusan Prov., Mindanao, PH, 9. 1912, Ellmer 13705 p.p. (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: EN (C2b)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes philippinensis Macf.
Publication: Pflanzenr.36:43 (1908)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes truncata Macf.
Type: Mt.Victoria, Palawan, PH, Foxworthy 721 (PNH?|)
Isotype: idem (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: LR (lc)

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Species: Nepenthes pilosa Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:355 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Bt.Batoe Lesoeng, Res. SE div., Kalimantan, ID, 28. 1. 1895, Amdjah 491 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Indonesia (E Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: DD [CR(C)]
Image: View of pitcher and plant
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes pitopangii C.C.Lee, S.McPherson, G.Bourke & M.Mansur
Publication: Gard.Bull.(Singap.) 61:295 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: Lore Lindu Natl. P., Lore Utara Distr., Poso Regency, C Sulawesi, ID, 30. 5. 2007, R.Pitopang 2054 (CEB)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes platychila C.C.Lee
Publication: Gard.Bull.(Singap.) 54:257 (2002)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Bukit Batu, Hose Mts., C Sarawak, Borneo, MY, 30. 11. 2001, C.C.Lee S87071 (SAR)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes pyriformis Kurata
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 52:30 (2001)
Status: Accepted
Comment: priority for supposed parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes inermis Danser * Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba
Type: G.Talang, W Sumatra, ID, 25. 3. 1972, S.Kurata & G.Mikil 4230 (NDC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: EN (C2b)

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Species: Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Publication: Comp.Bot.Mag.1:270 (1835)
Status: Accepted
Type: MY, Wallich 2242 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra), Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra
Red List: LR (lc)
Chromosomes: 78 Kondo, 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Bull.Torr.Bot.Cl.96:324 (1969), Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: Botanical line drawing of upper and lower pitchers
Image: pitcher of a cultivated plant
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: pitchers

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Species: Nepenthes rajah Hook.f.
Publication: Trans.Linn.Soc.22:421 (1859)
Status: Accepted
Type: Kinabalu, MY, Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes ramos Jebb & Cheek
Publication: Willdenowia 43:108 (2013)
Status: Accepted
Type: Surigao Prov., Mindanao, PH, 4. 1919, M.Ramos & J.Pascasio 34500 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: CR (D)

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Species: Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq.
Publication: Pl.Jungh.1:168 (1851)
Status: Accepted
Type: Res. Tapiannoeli, Batak regions, Paggeroetang, Sumatra, ID, 11. 1840, Junghuhn 274 (U)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra), Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam
Floristic Provinces: Borneo, Sumatra
Red List: LR (lc)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: Two pitchers amongst ferns and mosses.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes rhombicaulis Kurata
Publication: Gard.Bull.(Singap.) 26:231 (1973)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Pangulubao near Perapat, N Sumatra, ID, 29. 3. 1972, Kurata 4300 (NDC)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes rigidifolia Akhriadi, Hernawathi & Tamin
Publication: Reinwardtia 12:141 (2004)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes densiflora Danser
Type: Kab.Karo around Sidikalang areas, Sumatra, ID, 11. 12. 2003, Hernawathi, P.Akhriadi & I.Petra NP354 (UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes rosea M.Catal. & T.Kruetr.
Publication: AIPC Mag.36:30 (2014)
Status: Accepted
Comment: nom.nud.
Type: Krabi Prov., TH, 10. 2014, M.Catalano 015245 (BCU)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl.
Publication: Gard.Chron.1849:580 (1849)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Ledang, MY, Griffith 4411 (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Malaysia
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes, Malaya
Red List: LR (cd)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes saranganiensis Kurata
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 54:41 (2003)
Status: Accepted
Type: Sarangani Prov., Mindanao, PH, 18. 10. 2002, S.Kurata 5008 (PNH)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines (Mindanao)
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes sibuyanensis Nerz
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.27:18 (1998)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: Mt.Guintguintin, Sibuyan Is., PH, 5. 10. 1996, P.Mann & T.Smith 051001 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: C Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes singalana Becc.
Publication: Malesia 3:12 (1886)
Status: Accepted
Lectotype: G.Singgalang, Sumatra, ID, Beccari piante sum. 187 (FI-HB 7434) Schlauer & Nepi
Lectotype publication: Webbia 55:4 (2000)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Publication: Kew Bull.:116 (1895)
Status: Accepted
Type: at B. Baw Saw (Bolikhamsai Prov.), Nam Kawng (Mekong), LA, 22. 5. 1893, F.H.Smiles s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Lao People's Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Thailand, Annam, South Indochina
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes spathulata Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.13:465 (1935)
Status: Accepted
Lectotype: Mt.Tanggamoes, Lampongs, Sumatra, ID, 1. 1935, Lieftinck 11 (BO) Jebb & Cheek
Lectotype publication: Blumea 42:81 (1997)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (S Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: VU (D2)

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Species: Nepenthes spectabilis Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:373 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Sibajak, Gov. E coast, Sumatra, ID, 5. 6. 1920, Loerzing 7308 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (C Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: Single pitcher.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.8:240 (1890)
Status: Accepted
Type: Borneo, MY, Curtis ex Hort.Veitch s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)

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Species: Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) G.Beck
Publication: Wien.Ill.Gart.Z.20:149 (1895)
Status: Accepted
Basionym: Nepenthes boschiana var. sumatrana Miq.
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (W Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: EN (B2,B2d,B2e)
Image: Single all-green pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes suratensis M.Catal.
Publication: Nepenthes della Thailandia:36 (2010)
Status: Accepted
Synonym: =?Nepenthes thorelii Lecomte
Type: Kanchanadit, Suratthani prov., TH, 1927, Kerr 13136 (BK)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:101 (1994)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Talang, W Sumatra, ID, 6. 9. 1986, J.Nerz 2501 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (W Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: EN (C2b)
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes tentaculata Hook.f.
Publication: DC., Prodr.17:101 (1873)
Status: Accepted
Type: Sarawak, Borneo, MY, Lobb s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae
Countries: Malaysia, Indonesia (Borneo, Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo, Celebes
Red List: LR (lc)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Text: Description in DANSER
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes tenuis Nerz & Wistuba
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:103 (1994)
Web Publication:
Status: Accepted
Type: R.Tjampo, Taram, Sumatra, ID, 24. 9. 1957, W.Meijer 6949 (L)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (C Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: DD

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Species: Nepenthes thai Cheek
Publication: Kew Bull.64:321 (2009)
Status: Accepted
Type: Khao Nakharach, Sukhirin, Narathiwat, TH, 8. 8. 1996, Puudjaa 260 (BKF)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand
Floristic Provinces: Andamanes
Red List: EN B2 ab(iii)

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Species: Nepenthes thorelii Lecomte
Publication: Not.Syst.:63 (1909)
Status: Accepted
Type: Ti-tinh, VN, Thorel 1032 (P)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Pyrophytae
Countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam
Floristic Provinces: ?Andamanes, Thailand, Annam, South Indochina
Red List: DD
Chromosomes: 78 Kondo, 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Bull.Torr.Bot.Cl.96:324 (1969), Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: pitchers and plant

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Species: Nepenthes tobaica Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:382 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: Res. Tapiannoeli, ESE Lake Toba, Sumatra, ID, 11. 12. 1918, Loerzing 6573 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Montanae
Countries: Indonesia (N Sumatra)
Floristic Provinces: Sumatra
Red List: LR (lc)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes tomoriana Danser
Publication: Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenz.3.ser.9:384 (1928)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Kolonodale, Gov. Celebes & Dep., ID, Rachmat 645 (BO)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Multiple views of plant and pitchers.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes treubiana Warb.
Publication: Bot.Jahrb.Syst.13:318 (1891)
Status: Accepted
Type: coast of McCluers Gulf, SW N.Guin., ID, Warburg 20581 (B)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: Indonesia (N.Guin.)
Floristic Provinces: Moluccas
Red List: VU (D2)
Image: Multiple views of plant and pitchers.
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes truncata Macf.
Publication: Contr.Bot.Lab.Univ.Penna.3:209 (1911)
Status: Accepted
Type: near Samsolang, Surigao Prov., Mindanao, PH, 28. 7. 1907, W.B.Allen 191 (PNH?|)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: S Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: EN (B1,B2d)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: cultivated plant with pitcher and leaves

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Species: Nepenthes undulatifolia Nerz, Wistuba, U.Zimm., Chi.C.Lee, Pirade & Pitopang
Publication: New Nepenthes 1:493 (2011)
Status: Accepted
Type: SE Celebes, ID, 8. 4. 2009, APP-1 s.n. (CEB)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Tentaculatae?
Countries: Indonesia (Celebes)
Floristic Provinces: Celebes

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Species: Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Publication: Trans.Linn.Soc.22:421 (1859)
Status: Accepted
Type: G.Mulu, MY, Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo), Indonesia (S Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (nt)
Chromosomes: 80 Heubl & Wistuba
Chromosomes Publication: Sendtnera 4:170 (1997)
Image: Pitchers used for boiling rice
Image: Multiple views of pitcher and plant (highland form)
Image: Two views of epiphytic plant (lowland form)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Publication: Fl.Filip.1.ed.:807 (1837)
Status: Accepted
Type: Albay, Luzon, PH, Cuming 947 (?PNH|)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Insignes
Countries: N Philippines
Floristic Provinces: Philippines
Red List: LR (nt)
Image: Seedlings
Image: closeup of pitcher

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Species: Nepenthes vieillardii Hook.f.
Publication: DC., Prodr.17:104 (1873)
Status: Accepted
Lectotype: Pum & Gutape, NC, 1855, Vieillard 1121 (K) Jebb & Cheek
Lectotype publication: Blumea 42:90 (1997)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Nepenthes
Countries: New Caledonia
Floristic Provinces: New Caledonia
Red List: LR (lc)
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes villosa Hook.f.
Publication: Hook., Ic.Pl.9:tab.888 (1852)
Status: Accepted
Type: Kinabalu, Borneo, MY, H.Low s.n. (K)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Villosae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo
Red List: LR (cd)
Image: Multiple views of pitcher and plants
Text: Description in DANSER

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Species: Nepenthes viridis auct. non Hort. ex Teysmann: Micheler, Gronem., Wistuba, Marwinski, W.Suarez & V.B.Amoroso
Publication: Taublatt 76:4 (2013)
Status: Accepted
Comment: the older homonym Nepenthes viridis Hort. ex Teysmann was not validly published (no description)
Type: Dinagat Is., PH, 23. 8. 2013, M.Micheler & A.Wistuba s.n. (Central Mindanao Univ. Herb. CMUH00008636)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Philippines (Dinagat)
Floristic Provinces: Philippines

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Species: Nepenthes vogelii Schuit. & de Vogel
Publication: Blumea 47:537 (2002)
Status: Accepted
Type: ex cult. (Leiden), Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak, Borneo, MY, 2001-2002, A.Vogel, A.Schuiteman & T.Roelfsema 981037 (SAR)
Classification: Subclass Caryophyllidae - Order Nepenthales - Family Nepenthaceae - Genus Nepenthes - Subgenus Nepenthes - Section Regiae
Countries: Malaysia (N Borneo)
Floristic Provinces: Borneo


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