International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Names Database

Search Database

This is a research-oriented database of plant names maintained by Jan Schlauer. The database lists published NAMES used to describe carnivorous plants. It is intended that all published names are included. However the taxonomic validity of those names with respect to given plants is a matter of personal judgment based on the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.

The name search entry can include multiple words or word fragments. The search will look for occurrences in the database that contain ALL the word or word fragments in the entry. For example, a species search for "dros al" will find over 25 Drosera species that have "al" in their name while "dros alic" or even "alic" will only find Drosera aliciae. If you leave the field blank, it will find all names. That can result in a very long list. There are over 800 species names and over 3700 other published names in the database.

For search selections, there could be omissions and other extraction errors. If you don't find what you expect or you think there are programming errors, please contact the web page maintainer. If you have issues with the database entries themselves, please contact Jan Schlauer. Keep in mind that opinions may vary on the validity and use of certain names. For example, Search for "Drosera anglica"; compare Finding "species" and "all names" using Report "full database record".

Photo links are to Bob Ziemer's Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder. You can also search for plant names on that web site.

This page accepts queries in the form of where key can be "name", "species", or "cultivar" and query can contain most characters except & " ' < > and spaces. Use "%20" for spaces. An example would be


©International Carnivorous Plant Society

The database is maintained by Jan Schlauer.
This page is maintained by John Brittnacher.
Please contact us at the ICPS membership website,
Privacy: The Carnivorous Plant Names Database website does not track users.