International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Names Database
Database Notes
World Carnivorous Plant List
Copyright © 1987-2020 by Jan Schlauer
Nomenclatural Synopsis of Carnivorous Phanerogamous Plants
by Jan Schlauer
Last update: October 2020
Horticultural entries and much editing by Bob Ziemer
General Notes
- The typical infraspecific taxa (autonyms) are not listed.
- The synonymical references apply to the autonymous form of the cited taxon unless indicated otherwise.
- The infraspecific taxa belong to the typical (autonymous) superordinate infraspecific taxon unless indicated otherwise.
- Syntypes are not tolerated, only one representative specimen is cited. This does not mean a lectotype is selected here.
- For some names the types could not yet be traced. Herbaria are abbreviated according to the Index Herbariorum:
- "/" means pro parte (partly).
- "?" stands for any kind of incertainty.
- In some hybrids of horticultural origin the originator's name is cited; for natural hybrids the distribution is given. Formulae of artificial hybrids of known origin have the female (seed) parent before the hybrid sign (*), followed by the male (pollen) parent.
- Names of families are arranged in systematical order, names of genera, of species and of taxa of lower rank, incl. hybrids are arranged in alphabetical order.
- This list is constantly updated. If you have additions, comments or questions, please contact Jan Schlauer (
- No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
- Information from this database is free for distribution as long as:
- It is GIVEN away rather than sold (unless expressly permitted by the author)
- These statements and the above copyright notice are left intact
Geographic Abbreviations
Ala. | Alabama |
Az. | Arizona |
C | central |
Ca. | California |
E | east(-ern) |
Fla. | Florida |
Ga. | Georgia |
Is. | Island(s) |
La. | Louisiana |
Mass. | Massachusetts |
Mich. | Michigan |
Miss. | Mississippi |
Mo. | Missouri |
N | north(-ern) |
NC. | North Carolina |
Nev. | Nevada |
NJ. | New Jersey |
NY. | New York |
Ore. | Oregon |
Penna. | Pennsylvania |
S | south(-ern) |
SC. | South Carolina |
Tex. | Texas |
Va. | Virginia |
W | west(-ern) |
Wash. | Washington |
Wyo. | Wyoming |
Other Abbreviations
in sched. | In schedis (on labels) in Herbaria or on plants cultivated and displayed at Botanic gardens |
nom.cons. | Nomen conservandum (conserved name) |
nom.dub. | omen dubium (the status of which is obscure) |
nom.illeg. | Nomen illegitimum (earlier valid synonym cited in protologue or type typifies an earlier valid synonym or earlier homonym is based on another type) |
nom.nov. | Nomen novum (new name if original name was not available, e.g. as a later homonym, at time of first publication) |
nom.nud. | Nomen nudum (no valid description and/or no type) |
p.p. | Pro parte (only parts of the specimen are type material) |
spec.excl. | pecies exclusa (excluded species, belonging to another family or genus) |
sphalm.typogr. | Sphalma typographicum (misprint) |
| | Specimen deletum (specimen destroyed) |
* | Hybrid sign (multiplication symbol) |
The taxonomic basis for the subgeneric and sectional classification used in this database follows Schlauer (Carniv.Pl.Newslett.25:67-88, 1996) for Drosera, Fromm-Trinta (Bol.Mus.Nac.Rio de Janeiro, n.s. Bot.44:1-4, 1977) for Genlisea, Casper (Biblioth.Bot.127/128:1-209, 1966) for Pinguicula, and Taylor (Kew Bull. Add. Ser.14:1-724, 1989) for Utricularia, with some adjustments. No attempt has been made to subdivide the complex genus Nepenthes.
The entries are nested ranks of classification roughly corresponding to nodes on a phylogenetic tree, so it should be trivial for taxonomists of any flavour to map the classification used here to a system or theory of their choice.
The formal ranks used are:
Data Given For Cultivar Names
ICNCP | International Code for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants, 7.ed, Acta Horticult.647:i-xxi,1-123 (2004), ISBN 90 6605 527 8 |
Introducer | Person who introduced a formerly wild-growing plant into cultivation, by which it became a cultivar |
Nominant | Person who coined the name of a cultivar |
Registrant | Person who submitted a cultivar name for registration; in names published before 1998 this is the describing author |
Translit. | Transliteration (given if the epithet was originally written in a language not using Latin characters) |
Translation | Given if translations of the original epithet are in use |
Awards | Awards received by a cultivar |
Patents | Patents registered for a cultivar |
Description | Publication reference to a cultivar description and (if available) text of description |
Standard | Reference to a published standard photograph and (if available) link to a corresponding image |
Propagation | Preferred method of propagation |
Etymology | Meaning or derivation of a cultivar epithet |
Floristic Provinces
General outline following A. Takhtajan (1986)
Floristic Regions of the World, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Floristic Province |
Countries of occurrence | |
I. Circumboreal Region | ||
1 | Arctic | Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Russian Federation, United States |
2 | Atlantic Europe | Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway |
3 | Central Europe | Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Croatia (local name: Hrvatska), Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Ukraine |
4 | Illyria or Balkan | Albania, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia (local name: Hrvatska), Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav republic OF, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Turkey |
5 | Pontus Euxinus | Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan |
6 | Caucasus | Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan |
7 | Eastern Europe | Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine |
8 | Northern Europe | Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russian Federation |
9 | Western Siberia | Russian Federation, Kazakhstan |
10 | Altai-Sayan | Mongolia, Russian Federation |
11 | Central Siberia | Russian Federation |
12 | Transbaikalia | Mongolia, Russian Federation |
13 | Northeastern Siberia | Russian Federation |
14 | Okhotsk-Kamchatka | Russian Federation |
15 | Canada incl. Great Lakes | Canada, St. Pierre and Miquelon, United States |
II. Eastern Asiatic Region | ||
16 | Manchuria | China, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Mongolia, Russian Federation |
17 | Sakhalin-Hokkaido | Japan, Russian Federation |
18 | Japan-Korea | China, Japan, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Korea, Republic of |
19 | Volcano-Bonin | Japan |
20 | Ryukyu or Tokara-Okinawa | Japan |
21 | Taiwan | Taiwan, Province of China |
22 | Northern China | China |
23 | Central China | China |
24 | Southeastern China | China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Province of China |
25 | Sikang-Yunnan | China |
26 | Northern Burma | Myanmar |
27 | Eastern Himalaya | Bhutan, China, India |
28 | Khasi-Manipur | India, Myanmar |
III. North American Atlantic Region | ||
29 | Appalachians | United States |
30 | Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain | United States |
31 | North American Prairies | United States |
IV. Rocky Mountain Region | ||
32 | Vancouver | Canada, United States |
33 | Rocky Mountains | Canada, United States |
V. Macaronesian Region | ||
34 | Azores | Portugal |
35 | Madeira | Portugal |
36 | Canaries | Spain |
37 | Cape Verde | Cape Verde |
VI. Mediterranean Region | ||
38 | Southern Morocco | Morocco |
39 | Southwestern Mediterranean | Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Portugal |
40 | South Mediterranean | DL, Algeria, Tunisia |
41 | Iberia | Spain, Portugal |
42 | Baleares | Spain |
43 | Liguria-Tyrrhenia | France, Italy, Monaco, Malta |
44 | Adriatic | Albania, Croatia (local name: Hrvatska), Italy, San Marino |
45 | East Mediterranean | Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey |
46 | Crimea-Novorossijsk | Ukraine |
VII. Saharo-Arabian Region | ||
47 | Sahara | DL, Algeria, Egypt, Western Sahara, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan, Chad |
48 | Egypt-Arabia | United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen |
VIII. Irano-Turanian Region | ||
49 | Mesopotamia | Iraq, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey |
50 | Central Anatolia | Turkey |
51 | Armenia-Iran | Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
52 | Hyrcania | Azerbaijan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Turkmenistan |
53 | Turania or Aralo-Caspia | Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan |
54 | Turkestan | Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China (Sinkiang) |
55 | Northern Baluchistan | Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Pakistan |
56 | Western Himalaya | China (Tibet), India, Pakistan |
57 | Central Tien Shan | China (Sinkiang) |
58 | Dzungaria-Tien Shan | China (Sinkiang) |
59 | Mongolia | China (Sinkiang), Mongolia, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan |
60 | Tibet | China (Tibet), India, Nepal |
IX. Madrean Region | ||
61 | Great Basin | United States |
62 | California | Mexico, United States |
63 | Sonora | Mexico, United States |
64 | Mexican Highlands | Mexico, United States |
X. Guineo-Congolian Region | ||
65 | Upper Guinea | Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Togo |
66 | Nigeria-Cameroon | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Central African Republic, Congo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Chad |
67 | Congo | Angola, Burundi, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Congo, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Sao Tome and Principe, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, United Republic of |
XI. Usambara-Zululand Region | ||
68 | Zanzibar-Inhambane | Mozambique, Tanzania, United Republic of |
69 | Tongoland-Pondoland | Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa |
XII. Sudano-Zambezian Region | ||
70 | Zambezi | Angola, Botswana, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, United Republic of, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
71 | Sahel | Burkina Faso, Benin, Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire, Cameroon, Ghana, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Chad, Togo |
72 | Sudan | Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Chad |
73 | Somalia-Ethiopia | Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia |
74 | South Arabia | Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen |
75 | Socotra | Yemen |
76 | Oman | Oman |
77 | South Iran | Iran (Islamic Republic of), Pakistan |
78 | Sindia | India, Pakistan |
XIII. Karoo-Namib Region | ||
79 | Namibia | Angola, Namibia |
80 | Namaland | Namibia, South Africa |
81 | Western Cape | South Africa |
82 | Karoo | South Africa |
XIV. St.Helena and Ascension Region | ||
83 | St. Helena and Ascension | St. Helena |
XV. Madagascan Region | ||
84 | Eastern Madagascar | Madagascar |
85 | Western Madagascar | Madagascar |
86 | Southern and Southwestern Madagascar | Madagascar |
87 | Comoro | Comoros, Seychelles, Mayotte |
88 | Mascarenes | Mauritius, Reunion |
89 | Seychelles | Seychelles |
XVI. Indian Region | ||
90 | Ceylon/Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
91 | Malabar | India, British Indian Ocean Territory, Maldives |
92 | Deccan | India |
93 | Upper Gangetic Plain | India |
94 | Bengal | Bangladesh, India, Myanmar |
XVII. Indochinese Region | ||
95 | South Burma | BU, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Myanmar, Thailand |
96 | Andamanes | India, Myanmar, Thailand |
97 | South China | China, PI, Viet Nam |
98 | Thailand | Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand |
99 | North Indochina | Lao People's Democratic Republic, Viet Nam |
100 | Annam | Cambodia, Viet Nam1 |
101 | South Indochina | Cambodia, Viet Nam |
XVIII. Malesian Region | ||
102 | Malaya | Malaysia, Singapore |
103 | Borneo | Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia |
104 | Philippines | Philippines, Slovenia |
105 | Sumatra | Christmas Island, Indonesia |
106 | South Malesia | Indonesia, East Timor |
107 | Celebes | Indonesia |
108 | Moluccas | Indonesia |
109 | Papua | Indonesia, Papua New Guinea |
110 | Bismarck Archipelago | Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands |
XIX. Fijian Region | ||
111 | New Hebrides | Vanuatu |
112 | Fiji | American Samoa, Fiji, Niue, Tonga, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Samoa |
XX. Polynesian Region | ||
113 | Micronesia | Micronesia, Federated States of, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Nauru, Palau, Tuvalu, United States Minor Outlying Islands |
114 | Polynesia | American Samoa, Cook Islands, Kiribati, French Polynesia, Pitcairn, Tokelau, United States Minor Outlying Islands |
XXI. Hawaiian Region | ||
115 | Hawaii | United States Minor Outlying Islands, United States |
XXII. Neocaledonian Region | ||
116 | New Caledonia | New Caledonia |
XXIII. Caribbean Region | ||
117 | Central America | Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, French Polynesia, El Salvador |
118 | West Indies | Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Bahamas, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Saint Lucia, Martinique, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (US) |
119 | Galapagos | Ecuador |
XXIV. Region of the Guayana Highlands | ||
120 | Guayana | Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela |
XXV. Amazonian Region | ||
121 | Amazonia | Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela |
122 | Llanos | Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru |
XXVI. Brazilian Region | ||
123 | Caatingas | Brazil |
124 | Central Brazilian Uplands | Brazil |
125 | Chaco | Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay |
126 | Atlantic Brazil | Brazil |
127 | Parana | Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay |
XXVII. Andean Region | ||
128 | Northern Andes | Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela |
129 | Central Andes | Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru |
XXVIII. Cape Region | ||
130 | Cape | South Africa |
XXIX. Northeast Australian Region | ||
131 | North Australia | Australia |
132 | Queensland | Australia |
133 | Southeast Australia | Australia |
134 | Tasmania | Australia |
XXX. Southwest Australian Region | ||
135 | Southwest Australia | Australia |
XXXI. Central Australian or Eremaean Region | ||
136 | Eremaea | Australia |
XXXII. Fernandezian Region | ||
137 | Juan Fernandez | Chile |
XXXIII. Chile-Patagonian Region | ||
138 | Northern Chile | Argentina, Chile |
139 | Central Chile | Argentina, Chile |
140 | Pampas | Argentina, Uruguay |
141 | Patagonia | Argentina, Chile, Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
142 | Tierra del Fuego | Antarctica, Argentina, Chile, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
XXXIV. Region of the South Subantarctic Islands | ||
143 | Tristan-Gough | Bouvet Island, St. Helena |
144 | Kerguelen | Heard and Mc Donald Islands, French Southern Territories, South Africa |
XXXV. Neozeylandic Region | ||
145 | Lord Howe | Australia |
146 | Norfolk | Norfolk Island |
147 | Kermadec | New Zealand |
148 | New Zealand North Is. | New Zealand |
149 | New Zealand N South Is. | New Zealand |
150 | New Zealand S South Is. | New Zealand |
151 | Chatham | New Zealand |
152 | New Zealand Subantarctic Islands | Australia, New Zealand |
©International Carnivorous Plant Society
The database is maintained by Jan Schlauer.
This page is maintained by John Brittnacher.
Please contact us at the ICPS membership website,
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