International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Names Database
Registered Darlingtonia Cultivars
This page lists cultivar names registered by the ICPS with the International Society for Horticultural Science. There may be cultivars published in CPN that have not had the name officially registered yet. For a complete list of cultivars published in CPN, please see the cultivar descriptions at the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive.
Select a Genus:
1 cultivar found for Darlingtonia:
Darlingtonia 'Othello' |
Carniv.Pl.Newslett.27:42 (1998) Details | CP Photofinder |
©International Carnivorous Plant Society
The database is maintained by Jan Schlauer.
This page is maintained by John Brittnacher.
Please contact us at the ICPS membership website,
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