International Carnivorous Plant Society

Carnivorous Plant Names Database

Registered Nepenthes Cultivars

This page lists cultivar names registered by the ICPS with the International Society for Horticultural Science. There may be cultivars published in CPN that have not had the name officially registered yet. For a complete list of cultivars published in CPN, please see the cultivar descriptions at the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter Archive.

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255 cultivars found for Nepenthes:

Nepenthes 'Accentual Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:36 (1984)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Accentual Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:36 (1984)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1974
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:36 (1984)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1974 begin with "A", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:36 (1984); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Adorable Fuso' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Adorable Fuso' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes sullivanii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 16. 3. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Aglow Koto' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Aglow Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Hinode-Kadan
Publication: 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 1974
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1974 begin with "A", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Aichi' Carniv.Pl.of the World:47 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Aichi' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:47 (1986)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: M.Kondo & T.Sakai (acc. to Kusakabe), T.Kondo (acc. to K.Kondo), Nagoya, 10. 1969
Nominant: K.Kondo, Hiroshima, 1974
Registrant: K.Kondo
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: K.Kondo 1363 (NCU); original living plant ( N-TB-5): Kondo Collection, Nagoya
Description: Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.10(3):5 (1991)
"Male. Stem climbing, the section with adult leaves cylindrical, 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, glabrous. Leaves oblanceolate, thin, 16-20 cm long X 3-3.5 cm wide, with petiole 2-3 cm long, bases clasping 1/2-3/4's around the stem, leaf apex acute to aristate, connected to tendril; longitudinal veins usually 3 on each side, originating from the basal part of the midrib, running parallel in the outer 1/2 part of the blade, glabrous; pennate veins numerous, running obliquely towards the margin from the midrib, leaf margin entire; tendrils quite short, about 1/3 the leaf length, pitcher-bearing ones always with a curl, glabrous. Pitchers dimorphic, glabrous, lower 2/3's yellowish-green coloured, dark-red coloured in the upper 1/3, dark-red coloured concentrated especially along the veins; inferior pitchers small and thin, 4-6 cm high, from the rounded base globose or ovate in peristome cylindrical up to 1.9 mm wide on all sides, yellow coloured; with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, the wings about 5 mm wide in the lower part, 3-4 mm wide in the upper part, slightly reddish coloured, the fringe segments filiform, 3-4 mm long, quite shorter in tha lower part 0.5-1.0 mm long, 1.5-2.0 mm apart; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower 2/3's; lid ovate to subcordate, flat, 1.5-1.7 cm long X 1.5-1.7 cm wide, yellow coloured with dark reddish coloured veins, with numerous scattered round rimmed nectar glands; spur 1, filiform, 7-10 mm long, with 3-5 fringe segments, 0.2-0.5 mm long; superior pitchers infundibuliform, 6-7 cm high. Morphological and quantitative characters on the pitcher of Nepenthes ' Aichi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo resemble those of the maternal parent, Nepenthes thorelii Lecomte. The tendril is shorter than that of both the parents. The leaf blade is relatively large as compared with other characters in the leaf. Nepenthes ' Aichi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo is vigorous when cultivated in a regular orchid greenhouse. Morphological characteristics in Nepenthes ' Aichi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo have not been seen in other cultivars obtained. This cultivar has high horticultural merit."
Nepenthes 'Akaba' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Akaba' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), doubtfully correct (=?[Nepenthes ' Attractive Fuso ' {Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu}])
Nepenthes 'Alba' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Alba' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Alta May' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Alta May' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes butcheri Hort.Bednar but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes distillatoria L. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1989
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ambrosial Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ambrosial Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes outramiana B.S.Williams ex Denny
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1974
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1974 begin with "A", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Amy Michelle' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Amy Michelle' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1989
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Asahi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Asahi' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 27. 3. 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Attractive Fuso' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Attractive Fuso' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes margaretea Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 3. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Attractive Koto' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Attractive Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes margaretea Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: ?K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1974 (according to A.Lauffenburger)
Nominant: ?K.Kawase (according to A.Lauffenburger)
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), doubtfully correct (=?[Nepenthes ' Attractive Fuso ' {Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu}])
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1974 begin with "A", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Autumn Wine' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.45:75 (2016)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Autumn Wine' H.Carlton
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.45:75 (2016)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. * Nepenthes macrophylla (Marabini) Jebb & Cheek * Nepenthes lowii Hook.f.
Originator: T.Paroubek, late 2013
Nominant: B: H.Carlton, Greeley, Colorado, US
Registrant: H.Carlton, 24. 12. 2015
Horicultural comment: Registered 30. 11. 2016 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.45:76 (2016)
Propagation: vegetative only
Etymology: after coloration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.45:75 (2016)
"Leaves can exceed 40 cm long, semi-oblong with a tapering tip, a very slightly peltate tendril attachment on most and with a slight tendency to blush red under strong light. Upper pitchers can reach over 18 cm long and unlike lowers have only a pair of ridges in place of the wings. They are roughly infundibular with a very slight bulge approximately halfway down the pitcher, giving the profile a faint hourglass shape like a fancy wine goblet (Fig. 5). Upper pitchers typically have a larger, flared peristome compared to lowers, and while in lower pitchers the peristome may wrap around the lip of the pitcher it will often stay open and nearly flat in uppers. The lower pitchers can reach over 13 cm tall and up to 8 cm wide, roughly cylindrical in shape throughout with a slight bulge below the mouth and bearing distinct rigid wings (Fig. 6). The peristome is wide, with small but distinct ridges and the smallest of teeth along the inside edge, and the lid is roughly ovular and bears numerous obvious nectar glands on the underside. Both lowers and uppers may be covered in a very thin indumentum, visible in bright light on the sides of the pitcher and tendrils.
This plant is named after its notable coloration, the body of the pitchers infused from opening with a rich maroon red like that of an expensive red wine that deepens with age, lower pitchers sometimes reaching a state of almost black cherry coloration. Faint, darker blotches are also present like stains of wine on an old tablecloth. The peristome is heavily striped in varying shades of yellow, orange and red, like the colors of autumn leaves, infusing as it ages with the same wine-red coloration of the pitcher body, the stripes staying evident as they darken in turn."
Nepenthes 'Balmy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Balmy Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
Comment: possible later synonym of Nepenthes masamiae Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 1975
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1975 begin with "B", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Bario' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bario' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * ?Nepenthes fallax Beck
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 31. 8. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Bastido' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bastido' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ovata Nerz & Wistuba * Nepenthes spathulata Danser
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Bella' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bella' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 20. 4. 1989
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Benign Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Benign Koto' Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes picturata Hort. ex Gordon
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1975
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1975 begin with "B", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Bizen' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bizen' Hort.Okamura ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: M.Okamura, Okayama, 23. 11. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Black Miracle' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Black Miracle' R.Nunn
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: nurseries in TH, ca. 2012
Registrant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU, 7. 10. 2017
Horicultural comment: Registered 29. 12. 2017 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159, fig. 3 (right picture), fig. 4 (bottom picture) (2017)
Etymology: after dark colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
"This striking clone was believed to have been collected in Indonesia and cuttings were provided to a number of nurseries in Thailand who have propagated and distributed this plant under the name “Black Miracle”. The pitchers attain a solid dark brown, almost black, coloration with a peristome that has varying amounts of green and black striping (Fig. 3 right). The true Nepenthes 'Black Miracle' R.Nunn has black markings on the leaves as well (Fig. 4 bottom), making it a truly unique clone of Nepenthes ampullaria Jack."
Nepenthes 'Black Pearl' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Black Pearl' R.Nunn
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn, 7. 10. 2017
Horicultural comment: Registered 29. 12. 2017 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159, fig. 3 (left picture), fig. 4 (top picture) (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after dark colouration and lustre of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:159 (2017)
"This clone was selected for cultivar status because of the striking pure dark brown to black coloration of the pitchers and peristome (Fig. 3 left), giving it the luster of a black pearl. Unlike Nepenthes ampullaria 'Black Miracle' R.Nunn, this cultivar does not have black markings on its leaves (Fig.4 top)."
Nepenthes 'Black Widow' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:77 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Black Widow' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:77 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:77 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:77 (2018)
"The lower pitchers have a very dark brown almost black coloration, with red markings, reminiscent of the red on black markings of the black widow (or red back) spider."
Nepenthes 'Boca Rose' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Boca Rose' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), epithet doubtfully acceptable (cf. Art.19.24., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Boschiana Mimic' in sched. (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Boschiana Mimic' Hort.Weiner
Publication: in sched. (1985)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), epithet illegitimate (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Bronze Delight' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:82 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bronze Delight' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:82 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:82 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:82 (2018)
"The lower pitchers are a red-bronze color with brown markings and the peristome is the same color on the outer margins and gradually fades to a yellow-bronze at the inner margin."
Nepenthes 'Bruce Bednar' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:87 (2000)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Bruce Bednar' A.Marshall
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:87 (2000)
Web Publication:
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Nago ' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: A.Marshall, Cascade Carnivorous Plants, Tenino, WA, USA, 2. 1994
Nominant: A.Marshall, 5. 12. 1995
Registrant: A.Marshall, 10. 1. 2000
Horicultural comment: Registered 1. 10. 2000 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:89 (2000)
Propagation: vegetatively only
Etymology: after Bruce Bednar, Lee's Botanical Gardens, FL, USA
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:87 (2000)
"The leaves are petiolate, and are approximately 20 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaf tendrils are roughly one-half to two-thirds the length of the leaves. The lower pitchers of Nepenthes ' Bruce Bednar ' A.Marshall are urceolate (or slightly elongated), approximately 10 cm long, and bear fimbriate wings 5-10 (cm) tall. The mouth is 1 cm wide and 2.4 cm tall. The peristome is moderately wide, red, and undulate on the outer margins. The lid is ovate (1.8 cm wide, 3.3 cm long) with an obtuse apex. Numerous glands are present on the underside of the lid. The apical spur is 2-5 mm long. The entire outer surface of the pitcher is green and mottled with elongated red spots. These spots are more common on the upper half of the pitchers. A bright red stripe runs along the back of the pitcher from near the base all the way up to the base of the lid. The plant is covered with short, fine brown hairs. These are sparse or absent on the pitcher, although they are found on the lid."
Nepenthes 'Cantley's Red' Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:144 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Cantley's Red' Hort.Slack
Publication: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:144 (1986)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: R.Cantley, from Brunei, ca. 1986
Nominant: A.Slack
Registrant: A.Slack
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:146 (1986)
Etymology: after the introducer, Robert Cantley, and red colouration of pitchers
Description: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:144 (1986)
"But undoubtedly the most magnificient form is one recently discovered in a jungle in Brunei, North Borneo, by Robert Cantley. What appeared to be a group of toadstools from a distance proved on closer inspection to be a colony of Nepenthes ampullaria Jack, the pitchers of which differed from all others in being of brilliant crimson-scarlet sparingly mottled in green. To my mind this is one of the most exciting and beautiful Nepenthes L. introductions of recent years. It is of one clone, and its discoverer has kindly allowed me to identify it with the varietal name of Nepenthes ' Cantley's Red ' Hort.Slack (see overleaf)."
Nepenthes 'Caramel Candy Stripe' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:78 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Caramel Candy Stripe' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:78 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:78 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:78 (2018)
"The lower pitchers have a predominantly caramel color with a few brown markings, and the striking peristome is yellow with red candy stripes."
Nepenthes 'Cathy Jo' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.22:98 (1993)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Cathy Jo' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.22:98 (1993)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Ile de France ' Lecoufle ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1988
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Cherry Delight' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:81 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Cherry Delight' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:81 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:81 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:81 (2018)
"The lower pitchers are brown with green markings and the peristome is beautiful cherry red color, evoking images of the popular Australian confectionary, Cherry Ripe (R)."
Nepenthes 'Chocolate Delight' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:80 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Chocolate Delight' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:80 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:80 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:80 (2018)
"The lower pitchers are chocolate brown with green markings and the peristome is a pure deep chocolate brown."
Nepenthes 'Dainty Koto' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:6 (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dainty Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Hinode-Kadan
Publication: 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:6 (1985)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 2. 7. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Dashy Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:37 (1984)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dashy Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:37 (1984)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 7. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:37 (1984)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:37 (1984); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'David Parkyn' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'David Parkyn' Hort.Bramblett ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Decorous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Decorous Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookeriana Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 29. 8. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Delectable Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Delectable Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Amy Michelle ' Hort.Bednar
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Delightful Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Delightful Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes ' Dignified Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Dignified Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dignified Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes ' Delightful Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 3. 9. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Dinkum Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:43 (1990)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dinkum Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:43 (1990)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:43 (1990)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:43 (1990); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Director George T. Moore' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Director George T. Moore' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:30 (1950) (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the director of Missouri Botanical Garden, G.T.Moore
IMAGE: Standard of 'Director George T. Moore'
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
"Pitchers subcylindric, 5 inches long, 2 inches broad at base, 1 1/2 inches above, purplish-red with green marmorations; pitcher wings prominent, 3/4 inch broad, same color and markings as the pitchers, marginal spines purple; rim prominently purple-lined, darker toward lid; lid green-spotted. Leaves 16-18 inches long from the base of the blade to the extended pitchers, blade 2-2 1/2 inches wide."
Nepenthes 'Divine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Divine Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1. 11. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Dr. D. C. Fairburn' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dr. D. C. Fairburn' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:31 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the orchidologist at Missouri Botanical Garden, David C.Fairburn
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
"Pitcher subcylindric, 4-5 inches long, 1 1/2 inches in diameter, ridged above the middle, pale green flushed with pinkish toward the top; pitcher wings narrow, margins practically spineless, rim red, green toward the lid; lid green with slightly colored veins. Leaves to extended pitcher 20-22 inches long, width of blade 3-3 1/2 inches."
Nepenthes 'Dr. Edgar Anderson' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dr. Edgar Anderson' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the geneticist at Missouri Botanical Garden, E.Anderson
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
"Pitchers cylindric, with long neck, 5-6 inches long, 1 1/2-2 inches wide at base, 1 1/2 inches above, light green flushed with pink; pitcher wings prominent at base, practically spineless, lids and rim green. Leaves to extended pitcher 18-20 inches long, blade 3-4 inches wide."
Nepenthes 'Dr. John Macfarlane' Gard.Chron.3.ser.45:25 (1909)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dr. John Macfarlane' Hort.Veitch ex Masters
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.45:25 (1909)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes nobilis Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Veitch, Chelsea, 1908
Nominant: Veitch
Registrant: Veitch
Awards/patents: first class certificate, RHS Floral Committee, 29. 9. 1908
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Gard.Chron.3.ser.45:suppl. ill. between pp. 24 & 25 (1909); (b/w line drawing)
Etymology: after J.M.Macfarlane, botanist
IMAGE: Standard Photo
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.45:25 (1909)
"Our supplementary illustration represents a hybrid Nepenthes, raised by Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, from a cross between Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. and Nepenthes curtisii var. superba Hort.Veitch ex Marshall. (...) The pitchers of Nepenthes ' Dr. John Macfarlane ' Hort.Veitch ex Masters have a shape similar to those of Nepenthes curtisii Mast., and are about 7 or 8 inches long. The cone of the body of the pitcher is brownish-red and there are splashings of a deeper colour, which add additional beauty. The in-terior of the pitcher, just below the handsome rim, is bright green, with frequent purple markings. The leaves are very broad, measuring as much as 5 or 6 inches across, a width greater than in the foliage of either parent. The plant bore five large pitchers and several smaller ones."
Nepenthes 'Dreamy Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:114 (1990)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dreamy Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:114 (1990)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Yatomi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 11. 1977
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:114 (1990)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1977 begin with "D", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:114 (1990); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Dreamy Yamamoto' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dreamy Yamamoto' Hort.Yamamoto ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Yatomi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: T.Yamamoto, Kyoto, 15. 11. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Dwarf Peacock' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Dwarf Peacock' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes ' Mary Cruz ' Hort.Bednar
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Easeful Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:33 (1987)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Easeful Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:33 (1987)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 16. 9. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:33 (1987)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:33 (1987); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'East Everglades' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'East Everglades' Hort.Bednar & Bramblett ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: B.L.Bednar & C.O.Bramblett
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ebony Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ebony Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 21. 9. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Ecstatic Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:39 (1984)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ecstatic Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:39 (1984)
Comment: possible later synonym of Nepenthes masamiae Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 3. 10. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:39 (1984)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:39 (1984); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' auct. non Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe: Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Horicultural comment: name not established, illegitimate later homonym (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:102 (1987)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:102 (1987)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes lecouflei Kusakabe but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 21. 9. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Elaborative Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Elaborative Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Elegance' Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Elegance' Hort.Slack
Publication: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: R.Cantley & coll., from Brunei
Nominant: A.Slack
Registrant: A.Slack
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Standard: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:150 (1986)
Etymology: after the (elegant) shape of the pitchers
Nepenthes 'Elfine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Elfine Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 4. 10. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Emmarene Savanah Rose' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Emmarene Savanah Rose' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP) and incorrect (two epithets)
Nepenthes 'Emmarene' Carniv.Bestandsl.:3 (1991)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Emmarene' Hort.Westphal
Publication: Carniv.Bestandsl.:3 (1991)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: Pratt, 1981
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Emotional Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:42 (1990)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Emotional Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:42 (1990)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Nasu ' Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description missing)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:42 (1990)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:42 (1990); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Engaging Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Engaging Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 30. 9. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Eternal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Eternal Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 30. 9. 1978
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1978 begin with "E", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'F. W. Moore' J.Roy.Hort.Soc.29:cxcix (1904)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'F. W. Moore' Hort.J.Veitch ex Marshall
Publication: J.Roy.Hort.Soc.29:cxcix (1904)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes picturata Hort. ex Gordon
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: G.Tivey, Veitch Nurseries, Chelsea, 1904
Nominant: J.Veitch, Chelsea, 1904
Registrant: J.Veitch, 1904
Awards/patents: first class certificate, RHS Floral Committee, 1904
Horicultural comment: Registered 19. 3. 2001 {JS}
Standard: J.Roy.Hort.Soc.29:cxcix (1904) (drawing)
IMAGE: nepenthe/n_fwmoore Standard photo
Description: J.Roy.Hort.Soc.29:cxcix (1904)
"Pitchers of medium size, roundish, green, and the rim of the pitchers is a pretty rosy-crimson. A distinct and showy variety."
Nepenthes 'Fabulous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fabulous Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes sullivanii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 7. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Facetious Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Facetious Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Accentual Koto ' Kawase
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1. 9. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Facile Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:57 (1987)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Facile Koto' Kawase
Publication: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:57 (1987)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 14. 7. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Registrant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (description not available)
Standard: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:57 (1987)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Description: J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 38:57 (1987); not available to ICRA
Nepenthes 'Fat Boy' Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fat Boy' G.Bourke
Publication: Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: ?, to AU, from PH in the 1980's
Nominant: G.Bourke, Corrimal, NSW, AU, 2010
Registrant: G.Bourke, 12. 6. 2010
Horicultural comment: Registered 29. 6. 2011 {JS}
Standard: Carniflora Australis 7(3):6, fig.2 & 32 (back cover) (2010)
Propagation: by cutting
Etymology: after pitcher shape (but original cultivar is female, i.e. technically not a "boy")
Description: Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
"Nepenthes ' Fat Boy ' G.Bourke (Figure 2) is a squat form of Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco originating from a selected clone of plants introduced into cultivation in Australia in the 1980's. There are numerous clones of Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco in Australia and across the world most of which are more elongated possibly originating from material collected at lower altitudes or possibly of hybrid origin. Nepenthes ' Fat Boy ' G.Bourke is easily distinguished from most clones by its broad squat pitchers which generally have a round pitcher opening often much smaller than the pitcher body. The lower pitchers are ivory to greenish in colour with a similar coloured peristome which often ages to red (Back cover). The inside of the pitcher also turns bright red to purple with age which is not always seen with other clones of Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco in cultivation. Upper pitchers are light green in colour with a green peristome."
Nepenthes 'Felicitous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Felicitous Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 21. 8. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Feminine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Feminine Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes sullivanii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 28. 7. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Ferny Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ferny Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 25. 8. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fervent Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fervent Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Nasu ' Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 8. 9. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Festal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Festal Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Dashy Koto ' Kawase
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 8. 9. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Festive Koto' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Festive Koto' Hort.Kawase ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: possible later synonym of Nepenthes masamiae Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 30. 8. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Feverish Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Feverish Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 25. 8. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fickle Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fickle Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 16. 8. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fine Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mathesonii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 14. 12. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Forceful Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Forceful Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1. 11. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Foremost Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Foremost Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 29. 10. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Formal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Formal Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 24. 10. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Frau Anna Babl' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Frau Anna Babl' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Web Publication:
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: M.Baumgartl, Marie's Orchids, CA, USA, early 1990's
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 5. 12. 1995
Registrant: P.D'Amato, 31. 1. 2000
Horicultural comment: Registered 1. 10. 2000 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:89 (2000)
Propagation: only by vegetative means
Etymology: after the originator's mother
Description: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
"I chose three outstanding clones, which were named Nepenthes ' Marie ' D'Amato, Nepenthes ' Frau Anna Babl ' D'Amato, and Nepenthes ' Nora ' D'Amato. All three of these clones are marked by bright red peristomes with white interior pitchers, the exteriors variably colored with pink blush to heavy streaks of purple."
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:87 (2000)
"Nepenthes ' Frau Anna Babl ' D'Amato is distinguished by its large lower pitchers which measure 20 cm (8 inches) in length and its teardrop-shaped, bright scarlet peristome which is about 1.2 cm (0.5 inch) wide. The interior of the pitcher is creamy yellow-white. The exterior of the pitcher is flushed with red in the upper part, and has prominent fringed wings. The oval lid is slightly domed with a strong keel. (The second parent is) a plant of unknown parentage found at the botanical garden at Sens, France, by Marcel Lecoufle."
Nepenthes 'Freely Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Freely Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1. 11. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Frieda Crisp' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Frieda Crisp' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: M.Baumgartl, Marie's Orchids, Ca., USA
Nominant: P.D'Amato
Horicultural comment: name not established (not registered with ICRA, no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Frosty Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Frosty Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 5. 11. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fruity Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fruity Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 17. 11. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fulgent Koto' Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.6:41 (1987)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fulgent Koto' Hort.Kawase ex S.Beckwith
Publication: Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.6:41 (1987)
Comment: priority for supposed parentage but name not published validly
Synonym: =??Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 17. 11. 1979
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1979 begin with "F", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Fumi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fumi' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, ca. 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Fuso' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Fuso' Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 5. 1981
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Gentle' in sched. (2003)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Gentle' Deroose
Publication: in sched. (2003)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =?Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Deroose, BE, before 2003
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Gerald Ulrici' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Gerald Ulrici' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the business manager/secretary at Missouri Botanical Garden, G.Ulrici
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
"Vigorous-growing plant. Pitchers large, 6 inches high, 3 inches wide at the swollen base; neck 3 inches high, 1 3/4 inches wide, pale green with reddish veins; pitcher wings prominent, 1/2 inch wide, greenish in the lower portion, pinkish toward the rim, marginal hairs 1/8 inch long; lid suberect, spotted red below, above with red veins, terminating in a green spur 1/2 inch long; rim pea-green and corrugated. Leaves leathery, extending 24-28 inches in length, blade 3 inches wide, 16-17 inches long; petiole 10-12 inches long. Stem mottled purple."
Nepenthes 'Gerontic Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Gerontic Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes villosa Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 30. 8. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Giddy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Giddy Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 16. 8. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Glaring Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Glaring Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 21. 10. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Glazy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Glazy Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Nasu ' Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 20. 10. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Gloire des Ardennes' J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.12:32 (1911)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Gloire des Ardennes' Hort.Desloges
Publication: J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.12:32 (1911)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: R.Jarry-Desloges, Paris, FR, 12. 1905
Nominant: R.Jarry-Desloges
Awards/patents: certificat de merite (Soc.Natl.Hortic.Fr.), 22. 12. 1906
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (no standard available)
Etymology: after origin of breeder
Description: J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.12:32 (1911)
"Plante vigoreuse, issue de Nenepnthes sanguinea Lindl. croise par le Nepenthes northiana var. pulchra Desloges. Feuilles d'un vert clair, mesurant de 45 a 55 cent, de longueur sur 8 a 9 cent, de largeur. Urnes de plus de 30 cent. de longueur, etranglees dans leur partie superieure, rougeatres, avec des reflets roses et parfois jaunatres, recouvertes de nombreuses ponctuations plus foncees. Ailes de 5 cent. de longueur, longuement ciliees, de teinte vert clair sur leur surface interieure et rougeatres sur la face exterieure. Bourrelet assez large, acajou clair, recurve et formant des dents irregulieres assez grandes. Gorge oblique. L'interieur de l'urne est de teinte blanc creme avec de tres nombreuses macules, larges dont le coloris varie du rose fonce au rouge plus ou moins violace, avec des reflets bleuatres. Opercule semi erige, de 9 cent, de longueur sur 7 cent de largeur, rougeatre et recouvert de nombreuses ponctuations et lignes plus foncees, particulieremenl a sa page superieure."
Nepenthes 'Glorious Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
| CP Photofinder  

Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Glorious Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 10. 10. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Glossy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Glossy Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 10. 10. 1980
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1980 begin with "G", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Gold Star' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Gold Star' Hort. ex Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: ?, before 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Greenhorn' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Greenhorn' Hort. ex Studnicka
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: Bot.Gardens of Berlin, 1980, and Halle, 1987, as "N. vieillardii"
Nominant: M.Studnicka
Registrant: M.Studnicka, S.Ceske Muzeum, Leninova 11, 46001 Liberec, Czechia, 1989
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: specimen in PRC, Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
Etymology: from green colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
"This selection is characterized by having uniformly green pitchers. The rim is also pure green, while the wild type usually has a purple to chestnut rim. Pitchers are up to 14 cm high, 3 cm wide, with two conspicuous nerves instead of wings; and with a round lid. Foliar pard of lid is about 22 cm long, 6 cm wide, thin, pale green and slightly hairy, with bristled margins. The cultivar has not been seen in flower."
Nepenthes 'Grey Mist' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Grey Mist' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes inermis Danser * Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Guillermo Reyes' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:215 (2016)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Guillermo Reyes' A.Bostrom
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:215 (2016)
Synonym: =Nepenthes platychila C.C.Lee
Originator: A.Bostrom, Sta.Rosa, Cal., US, 2010
Nominant: A.Bostrom, 10. 7. 2015
Registrant: A.Bostrom, 21. 8. 2015
Horicultural comment: Registered 23. 1. 2016 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:215 & front cover (2016)
Etymology: after originator's friend and [Nepenthes {L.}] grower Guillermo Reyes
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:215 (2016)
"Nepenthes ‘Guillermo Reyes’ is a seed grown Nepenthes platychila C.C.Lee obtained from Borneo Exotics. I have grown this plant for the past 5 years and have not seen another Nepenthes platychila C.C.Lee quite like it. (...) Leaves of this plant are covered in short, bronze-colored hairs. The new leaf emerging from the terminal node will often appear completely bronze in color. There is a distinctive bronze line beginning at each auxiliary node, extending through the mid-rib of the leaf (Fig. 4). Lower pitchers are green, heavily blotched with red and purple, and have a red striped golden peristome (Fig. 4). Upper pitchers are absolutely fantastic, large, and robust with a similar blotched pitcher body as the lower pitchers, however, the peristome flares out quite far, and is covered in hundreds of ruby red colored stripes (Front Cover)."
Nepenthes 'H.R.Giger' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:36 (2015)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'H.R.Giger' M.Kaelin
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:36 (2015)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. * Nepenthes spectabilis Danser
Originator: G. & A.Mansell, Exotica Plants, AU, before 2010
Nominant: M.M.Kaelin, Bellmore, N.Y., US, 10. 2014
Registrant: M.M.Kaelin, 9. 10. 2014
Horicultural comment: Registered 9. 4. 2015 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:36-37 (2015)
Propagation: vegetative
Etymology: after nightmarish appearance of the plant's details and after the creator of the extraterrestrial protagonist in Ridley Scott's film
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.44:36 (2015)
"The hybrid parentage of Nepenthes ' H.R.Giger ' M.Kaelin gives this cultivar a strong blending of the characteristics of both of the parents. The pitcher mouth is not as exaggeratedly open and wide as that of Nepenthes lowii Hook.f., but it is more so than Nepenthes spectabilis Danser. The pitcher body is elongated and tubular, yet not straight-bodied as that of Nepenthes spectabilis Danser with some hints of the contorted features of Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. as well as its woody texture. The striping on the peristome goes from yellow through various degrees of red and the pitcher coloration is deeply speckled with dark chocolate-like colors against a red background from exposure to high levels of lighting for the lower pitchers, while the upper pitchers are still quite deeply colored and retain the great peristome striping. Both the lower and the upper pitchers exhibit large amounts of spikes under the pitcher lids with the lower pitchers having prominent frontal "wings" on their bodies which act as ladders for crawling insects, where the upper pitchers do not exhibit these "wings".
What distinguishes Nepenthes ' H.R.Giger ' M.Kaelin are the flared peristome of the pitcher mouth akin to the Nepenthes spectabilis Danser parent, the exhibiting of large peristome teeth, and the numerous hairy spikes under the pitcher lid akin to the Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. parent (Figs. 5 & 6).
The unusually numerous lid spikes, somewhat contorted body and deep coloration even on the upper pitchers, are all distinguishing characteristics that make this individual an outstanding example of the Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. * Nepenthes spectabilis Danser hybrid. Also, the plant grows large like Nepenthes lowii Hook.f., and readily vines like Nepenthes spectabilis Danser, and produces pitchers rather frequently, making it a rewarding specimen for cultivation (Fig. 7). It can grow well in somewhat warm temperatures, but exhibits the best characteristics in cooler temperatures due to the Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. parentage. The plant has flowered and is a male."
Nepenthes 'Hachijo' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hachijo' auct. non Hort.Okuyama ex Kusakabe: Hort.Okuyama ex Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes lecouflei Kusakabe but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo
Horicultural comment: name not established, illegitimate later homonym (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: from Hachijo Is., the locality of K.Okuyama's Issei-en nursery
Nepenthes 'Hachijo' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:102 (1987)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hachijo' Hort.Okuyama ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:102 (1987)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes lecouflei Kusakabe but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 12. 9. 1978
Nominant: I.Okuyama
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: from Hachijo Is., the locality of I.Okuyama's Issei-en nursery
Nepenthes 'Haguro' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Haguro' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Accentual Koto ' Kawase
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 24. 12. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Hamafuefuki' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hamafuefuki' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), doubtfully correct (=?[Nepenthes ' Attractive Fuso ' {Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu}])
Nepenthes 'Hamakumiko' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hamakumiko' Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 20. 11. 1979
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Heian' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:5 (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Heian' Hort. ex Hinode-Kadan
Publication: 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:5 (1985)
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes ?
Originator: M.Toyoshima, Kyoto
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Henry Shaw' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Henry Shaw' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the founder of Missouri Botanical Garden, H.Shaw
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
"Pitchers somewhat pear-shaped, bulbose up to ridge and gradually tapering towards rim, 4 1/2-5 inches long, basal portion up to 2 1/2 inches in diameter, 2 inches in diameter above ridge, light green irregularly spotted with purple-red; pitcher wings marked like the pitcher, marginal hairs short; rim green, with purple stripes; lid green, with minute purple spots on the medial arched veins on the under-side, top purple-veined. Leaves 13-15 inches long from the base to the pitcher, width of blade 2 1/4-2 1/2 inches."
Nepenthes 'Hideki' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hideki' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes burkei Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 20. 7. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Highland' Savage Garden:261 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Highland' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:261 (1998)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: P.D'Amato
Nominant: P.D'Amato
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the habitat of the plant
Description: Savage Garden:261 (1998)
"In a plant I grow called Nepenthes ' Highland ' D'Amato, the pitchers are rather similar (to the common form) but more flushed with red."
Nepenthes 'Hirakata' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hirakata' Hort.Komatsu ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes clipeata Danser * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Y.Komatsu, Osaka, 29. 9. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Hiramasa' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hiramasa' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), doubtfully correct (=?[Nepenthes ' Attractive Fuso ' {Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu}])
Nepenthes 'Hiroko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hiroko' Hort.Nakagawa ex Lauffenburger
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, ca. 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Hortulanus Otten' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:20 (2004)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hortulanus Otten' A.Vogel
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:20 (2004)
Web Publication:
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f. * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: A.Vogel, Leiden, NL, 1995
Nominant: A.Vogel
Registrant: A.Vogel, 5. 12. 2002
Horicultural comment: Registered 8. 9. 2004 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:21 (2004)
Propagation: vegetatively
Etymology: after K.Otten, former curator of the Botanic Garden in Ghent, BE
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:20 (2004)
" This cultivar is distinguished by its very robust lower pitchers which measures about 18 cm (7 inches) in length, and the opening of the mouth is between 6 and 8 cm (2.5-3 inches) wide. The interior of the pitchers is almost lime green and the typical teeth of Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f. are well presented. The entire exterior of the pitcher is lime green with brown hairs which presents a dark golden glow in full light, and the pitcher wings are well formed. The upper pitchers are somewhat smaller but with the same external texture, are more bulging, and narrow towards the tendril, the latter being covered with long brown hairs. The pitcher's lid is slightly more rounded than the lid of the lower pitcher."
Nepenthes 'Hyogo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Hyogo' Hort.Bednar ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Comment: possible later synonym of Nepenthes masamiae Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * ?Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: T.Yamamoto, Kyoto, 8. 11. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Idyllic Koto' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Idyllic Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Ile de France ' Lecoufle ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1982
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1982 begin with "I", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Igneous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Igneous Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Yatomi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 1982
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1982 begin with "I", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Ile de France' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:6 (1983)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ile de France' Hort.M.Lecoufle ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:6 (1983)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Y.Vezier, Rouen, before 1981
Nominant: M.Lecoufle
Registrant: A.Slack, 1986
Awards/patents: presentation to the RHS Plants Committee, London, on 14. 7. 1979 (no data received from RHS)
Horicultural comment: Registered 14. 1. 2000 {JS}
Standard: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
Etymology: from the patriotism of the nominant
Description: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
"Of French hybrids, Nepenthes ' Ile de France ' Hort.M.Lecoufle ex Kusakabe has lower pitchers with a pale green base, the remainder being suffused with ruby pink often lightly streaked with dark red. It has a crimson peristome."
Nepenthes 'Immobile Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Immobile Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 6. 9. 1982
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: epithets of hybrids raised by K.Kawase in 1982 begin with "I", raised at Kyoto (Koto)
Nepenthes 'Issey' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Issey' Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes burkei Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 10. 7. 1978
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'J & B' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'J & B' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes clipeata Danser * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1992
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Jack Finney' Savage Garden:273 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Jack Finney' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:273 (1998)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Frosty Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: P.D'Amato, California Carnivores, 7020 Trenton-Healdsburg Rd., Forestville, CA 95436, USA
Nominant: P.D'Amato
Horicultural comment: Registered 11. 6. 1999 {JS}
Standard: Savage Garden:272 (1998), (only second pitcher from right)
Etymology: after the author of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
Description: Savage Garden:273 (1998)
"One clone, Nepenthes ' Jack Finney ' D'Amato produces numerous dark red pitchers with extra large floppy lids."
Nepenthes 'Jeanie Babe' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Jeanie Babe' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Jessica Laureen' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Jessica Laureen' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: B.L.Bednar, 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Jim Bockowski' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.48:96 (2019)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Jim Bockowski' D.Martinez
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.48:96 (2019)
Synonym: =Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: R.Sivertsen, from seeds from Borneo, MY, early 1980s
Nominant: D.Martinez, Austin, Tex., US, 2019
Registrant: D.Martinez, 1. 3. 2019
Horicultural comment: Registered 23. 6. 2019 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.48:96 (2019)
Propagation: vegetative only
Etymology: after the breeder Jim Bockowski
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.48:96 (2019)
"Nepenthes 'Jim Bockowski' D.Martinez (Fig. 1) is an impressively large and vigorous example of the prostate form of Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.. It a produces a beautiful golden-striped peristome and was one of the first "highland" Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. introduced into cultivation back in the 1980's. The original plant was seed grown by Richard Sivertsen in the early 1980's. Jim Bockowski received a cutting of this plant in the late 1980's and it grew into one of the largest sized Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. in cultivation. This is a female plant."
Nepenthes 'Joanne Holland' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Joanne Holland' T.Gibson
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes glabrata Turnbull & Middleton * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: T.Gibson, Univ.Wisconsin, Dept. of Botany, Madison, WI 53706, USA, 1986
Nominant: T.Gibson
Registrant: T.Gibson
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
Etymology: after Dr.Joanne Holland, Madison, Wisconsin
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:120 (1989)
"The overall appearance of Nepenthes ' Joanne Holland ' T.Gibson is intermediate between the parent species. Plants are vining and branched like Nepenthes glabrata Turnbull & Middleton, but with larger pitchers with broadly flaring peristomes like Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.. The distinctive pitchers are colorfully red-flecked."
Nepenthes 'Joseph Cutak' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Joseph Cutak' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the succulent grower at Missouri Botanical Garden, J.Cutak
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:34 (1950)
"Pitchers somewhat egg-shaped, narrowed toward apex, green, including rim and lid; pitcher wings prominent, 1/2 inch wide, with marginal spines 1/4 inch long. Leaves to extended pitchers 22-26 inches long, blade 2-3 inches broad, very dark green, new growth purplish."
Nepenthes 'Judith Finn' Savage Garden:275 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Judith Finn' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:275 (1998)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes spathulata Danser * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: M.Baumgartl, Marie's Orchids, Ca., USA
Nominant: P.D'Amato
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the assistant manager of Berkeley Botanical Gardens
Description: Savage Garden:275 (1998)
"this is a breathtaking hybrid of Nepenthes spathulata Danser * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f., both famous for their wildly flared peristomes."
Nepenthes 'Kalamity' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kalamity' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1988
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kametodo' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kametodo' Hort.Okuyama ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes picturata Hort.Veitch ex Gordon
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 10. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kashiwa' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kashiwa' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookeriana Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Katharine Moore' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Katharine Moore' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: ?after a relative of the director of Missouri Botanical Garden, G.T.Moore
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
"Pitchers somewhat egg-shaped, narrowed toward apex, green, including rim and lid; pitcher wings prominent, 1/2 inch wide, with marginal spines 1/4 inch long. Leaves to extended pitchers 22-26 inches long, blade 2-3 inches broad, very dark green, new growth purplish."
Nepenthes 'Kayoko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kayoko' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, ca. 1990
Nepenthes 'Kei' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kei' Hort.Kubo ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes ' Easeful Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: H.Kubo, Kagawa, 1988
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kihachijo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:12 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kihachijo' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:12 (1995)
Comment: priority for both supposed parentages
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees /Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 2. 6. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kishino' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kishino' Hort.Okamura ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes madisonii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: M.Okamura & M.Kishino, Okayama, 1. 7. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kiso' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kiso' Hort.Nakagawa ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookeriana Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 29. 4. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Koiwado' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Koiwado' auct. non Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger: Hort.Okuyama ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes nishijimae Hort.Nishijima ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 15. 11. 1983
Horicultural comment: later homonym, name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Koiwado' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Koiwado' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kokkome' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kokkome' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ventrata Hort. ex Fleming but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 6. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kosobe' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kosobe' auct. non Hort. ex Mellichamp: Hort.Bednar ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore, later homonym of Nepenthes ' Kosobe ' Hort. ex Mellichamp
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: B.L.Bednar, 1993
Horicultural comment: name not established, illegitimate later homonym (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kosobe' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:17 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kosobe' Hort. ex Mellichamp
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:17 (1979)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Kyoko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Kyoko' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes bellii Kondo
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 28. 8. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'L'Insolite' Rev.Hortic.78:554 (1906)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'L'Insolite' Hort.Desloges ex G.T.Grignan
Publication: Rev.Hortic.78:554 (1906)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: R.Jarry-Desloges, Paris, FR, 12. 1905
Nominant: R.Jarry-Desloges
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Lady Pauline' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.36:68 (2007)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Lady Pauline' R.Cantley
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.36:68 (2007)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Jeanie Babe ' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Synonym: =Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: T.Alt, DE, before 1998
Nominant: M.Harris, 15. 3. 2006
Registrant: R.Cantley, Borneo Exotics, LK, 12. 10. 2006
Horicultural comment: Registered 15. 10. 2007 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.36:69 (2007)
Propagation: vegetative
Etymology: after nominant's (and originator's sponsor's) mother, Dame Pauline Norma Harris D.L.
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.36:58 (2007)
"In general morphology as well as pitcher shape this plant is fairly intermediate between the parent species. The lower pitchers are similar to Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees in coloration, being richly speckled in dark purple, with a wide dark purple peristome to 3 cm across. In shape they are distinctively shorter and wider than that those of Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees, reaching dimensions of 14 cm by 8 cm, being widest just beneath the peristome. Also, the pitcher mouth is more horizontal and round than that of Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees. The upper pitchers are similar in dimensions but are more infundibular and lighter in coloration, being translucent pale cream with red stripes and red peristome. Leaves are linear lanceolate, obtuse at the base. Leaf apex is obtuse, occasionally somewhat emarginate in mature specimens."
Nepenthes 'Lake Poso' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.38:18 (2009)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Lake Poso' D.P.Evans
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.38:18 (2009)
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: A.Primaldhi & M.A.Suska, from Lake Poso, Sulawesi, ID, 1. 2008
Nominant: D.P.Evans, New Jersey, US, 2008
Registrant: D.P.Evans, 29. 8. 2008
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 5. 2009 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.38:19 (2009)
Etymology: after provenience
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.38:18 (2009)
"The main difference between Nepenthes ' Lake Poso ' D.P.Evans and the more typical expression of Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees is the stature of the entire plant. Nepenthes ' Lake Poso ' D.P.Evans is generally about 1/4 to 1/2 the size of most of the other Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees varieties. As per Danser (1928), the type variety has climbing stems with leaves, "usually 15 to 30 cm long by 2.5 to 7 cm broad". However, in Nepenthes ' Lake Poso ' D.P.Evans the diameter of the rosette (without tendrils and pitchers) of the cultivated plants has varied from only 20 to about 32 cm. The leaves of Nepenthes ' Lake Poso ' D.P.Evans are usually 8 to 16 cm long by 1.5 to 3 cm broad making the leaf surface area about 1/4th the size of leaves on normal or average sized Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees plants. The pitchers are correspondingly much smaller as well and most often the peristomes of the pitchers do not seem quite as wide as one might expect from Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees, although the peristomes of the upper pitcher can be well developed. In cultivation, the stems can reach lengths of a few meters, but the diameter is reduced, giving the plants a more gracile or slender and somewhat wiry appearance as compared to most other forms and varieties of Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees. This variety shows more tolerance for warm weather as compared to several other widely cultivated varieties or expressions of Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees."
Nepenthes 'LeeAnn Marie' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'LeeAnn Marie' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ventrata Hort. ex Fleming but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: B.L.Bednar, 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Lewis Bradbury' Gard.Chron.3.ser.54:17 (1913)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Lewis Bradbury' Hort.J.Veitch ex H.B.May
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.54:17 (1913)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. Ex Nees
Originator: Veitch nursery, Chelsea, before 1913
Nominant: J.Veitch, 1913
Registrant: J.Veitch
Awards/patents: Award of Merit, RHS, 1913
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.54:17 (1913)
"(...) it has larger pitchers than the last (Nepenthes atropurpurea Hort.J.Veitch ex H.B.May), but is scarcely so finely coloured. The pitcher is a greenish-crimson, irregularly covered with narrow blotches, running longitudinally. The interior is heavily blotched, and shows well under the erect lid. Like the last variety, the shape is cylindric, with a scarcely perceptible constriction in the upper half. In this one the stalk is not well coloured."
Nepenthes 'Lieut. R. Bradford Pring' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Lieut. R. Bradford Pring' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:30 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the originator's relative, R.B.Pring
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:32 (1950)
"Resembles its parent Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast. in being very strong-growing. Pitchers pear-shaped, 6-7 inches long, 2-2 1/2 inches broad in the basal portion, 1 1/2-2 inches above, reddish-purple at first, show-ing green marmorations with age; pitcher wings prominent, with long purple hairs of the same shade as the pitchers; rim very dark reddish-purple; lid reddish-purple with darker spots on the under-side. Leaves to extended pitchers 24-24 inches long, blade 2 1/3-3 inches broad; petiole 10-12 inches long."
Nepenthes 'Lime Delight' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:79 (2018)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Lime Delight' R.Nunn & J.Chiem
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:79 (2018)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: J.Chiem, VN
Nominant: R.Nunn, Malvern, S.A., AU
Registrant: R.Nunn & J.Chiem, 22. 2. 2018
Horicultural comment: Registered 16. 6. 2018 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:79 (2017)
Propagation: by cuttings only
Etymology: after colouration of pitchers
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.47:79 (2018)
"The lower pitchers are almost pure dark brown/black with a few small lime green markings which contrast with the pure lime green peristome."
Nepenthes 'Londt' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Londt' Hort. ex Lowrie
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for all three alternative parentages but publication incomplete
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * ?Nepenthes madagascariensis Poir. /Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * ?Nepenthes madagascariensis Poir. /?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes madagascariensis Poir.
Originator: E.Green
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Luzon' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Luzon' Hort.Weiner ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: H.Weiner, Hameln, 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mangomarginata' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:37 (2017)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mangomarginata' M.Aronesty
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:37 (2017)
Synonym: =Nepenthes albomarginata Lobb ex Lindl.
Originator: M.Aronesty, Manhattan Beach, Calif., US, 5. 2014
Nominant: M.Aronesty, 11. 2016
Registrant: M.Aronesty, 7. 12. 2016
Horicultural comment: Registered 13. 4. 2017 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:37 (2017)
Etymology: after the Mango fruit which is often red, green, and orange and the species epithet "albomarginata"
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.46:37 (2017)
"one plant stood out from the rest. It has a red pitcher body, green peristome, and an orange marginal band instead of a white one (Fig. 6). Under typical T5 lighting the orange band becomes more prominent."
Nepenthes 'Manny Herrera' in sched. (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Manny Herrera' Hort. ex K.L.Mott
Publication: in sched. (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Marie' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Marie' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Web Publication:
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: M.Baumgartl, Marie's Orchids, CA, USA, early 1990's
Nominant: P.D'Amato, California Carnivores, Forestville, CA, USA, 1995
Registrant: P.D'Amato, 2. 2. 2000
Horicultural comment: Registered 1. 10. 2000 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:89 (2000)
Propagation: only by vegetative means
Etymology: after the originator Marie Baumgartl
Description: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
"I chose three outstanding clones, which were named Nepenthes ' Marie ' D'Amato, Nepenthes ' Frau Anna Babl ' D'Amato, and Nepenthes ' Nora ' D'Amato. All three of these clones are marked by bright red peristomes with white interior pitchers, the exteriors variably colored with pink blush to heavy streaks of purple."
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:88 (2000)
"The most striking characteristics of the cultivar Nepenthes ' Marie ' D'Amato include a broad, slightly fluted peristome which is up to 1.2 cm (0.5 inch) wide and which is at first striped but then becomes fully rust-red with age; a creamy interior pitcher surface which is sparsely flecked with red; and a large, domed, oval-shaped lid with a strong keel and brightly crimson undersurface. The wings are reduced, and the flask-shaped pitcher body is lemon-green, lightly flecked with red on its upper part. The pitcher is more blushed in high light levels. Pitchers can be up to 23 cm (9 inches) in length. The form of upper pitchers is unknown. (The second parent is) a plant of unknown parentage found at the botanical garden at Sens, France, by Marcel Lecoufle."
Nepenthes 'Mary Cruz' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.22:98 (1993)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mary Cruz' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.22:98 (1993)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1987
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mekata' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mekata' Hort.Kubo ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: H.Kubo, Kagawa, 1987
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Menarabe' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Menarabe' Hort.Okuyama ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes deslogesii Desloges
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 12. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mercury' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mercury' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookeriana Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 3. 11. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Michael Lee' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Michael Lee' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Midori' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Midori' Hort.Kubo ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes ' Easeful Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin)
Originator: H.Kubo, Kagawa, 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mihara' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mihara' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Easeful Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 3. 10. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mimic' in sched. (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mimic' Hort.Weiner
Publication: in sched. (1985)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Minami Triumph' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Minami Triumph' Hort.Okuyama & Kikuchi ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes minamiensis Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: I.Okuyama & M.Kikuchi, Hachijo
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP) and illegitimate (nested cultivar epithets)
Nepenthes 'Minami' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Minami' Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes minamiensis Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: H.Naito & M.Kikuchi, Hachijo, 11. 1963
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mino'o' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mino'o' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: Mino'o-en Nursery, Toyonaka, Osaka, ca. 1930
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the nursery at which the artificial hybrid was raised
Nepenthes 'Miranda' in sched. (2003)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Miranda' Deroose
Publication: in sched. (2003)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes tiveyi Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =?Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: Deroose, BE, before 2003
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mixta Sanguinea' Gard.Chron.3.ser.16:318 (1894)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mixta Sanguinea' Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.16:318 (1894)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: G.Tivey, Chelsea, before 1894
Nominant: Veitch
Registrant: Veitch, 1894
Horicultural comment: name not registered, standard missing
Etymology: from red colouration
Description: Macf., Pflanzenr.24:85 (1908)
"Ascidia fusco-rubra, maculis magnis brunneo-purpureis dispersa; peristomium pellucido-rubrum."
Nepenthes 'Miyo' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Miyo' Hort.Komatsu ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes bellii Kondo * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Y.Komatsu, Osaka, 23. 6. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Mizuho' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Mizuho' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes picturata Hort. ex Gordon
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: M.Kondo, Nagoya, 1965
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nagamogo' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:70 (1987)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nagamogo' Hort. ex Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:70 (1987)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookerae Hort. ex Lindsay but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nago' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nago' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 13. 12. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nagoya Variegata' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nagoya Variegata' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: M.Toyoshima, Kyoto, 1970
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nagoya' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nagoya' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: M.Kondo & T.Sakai, Nagoya, 1967 (acc. to Kusakabe), T.Kondo (acc. to K.Kondo), Fall 1965
Nominant: K.Kondo, Hiroshima, 1974
Registrant: K.Kondo
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: K.Kondo 1359 (NCU); original living plant ( N-SU-22): Kondo Collection, Nagoya
Etymology: After the place of origin of the plant
Description: Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.10(3):6 (1991)
"Male. Stem climbing, the section with adult leaves cylindrical, 5-15 mm in diameter, tomentose. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, 14-35 cm long X 4-5 cm wide, sessile, bases clasping 1/2-4/5's around the stem, apex acute to aristate, glabrous; 2 longitudinal veins one each side of the blades, parallel in the outer 1/4 of the blade; pennate veins numerous, running obliquely towards the margin; tendrils longer than the leaf blade, 20-40 cm long, the pitcher-bearing ones always with a curl, glabrous. Pitchers dimorphic, glabrous, reddish-orange coloured; inferior pitchers long and thick, 15-18 cm high, shortly curved in from the hanging tendril, rounded at the base on the average tubulose, somewhat ventricose in the lower part, infundibuliform in the upper part, 3-5 cm wide in the ventricose part, 3-4 cm wide in the middle part, 2.5-4.0 cm wide around the mouth; mouth nearly round, oblique, curved in and acuminate towards the lid, or elongated into a neck 0.5-1.0 cm long; peristome strongly flattened, 2-3 mm wide in front, 10-12 mm wide at some distance from the lid, dark-reddish coloured; with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, the wings 1-2 mm wide, the fringe segments 1-1.5 mm long, 1-2 mm apart, sometimes lacking in the lower part; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower 1/3 part; lid almost orbicular, subcordate, 4-5 cm long X 3-4 cm wide, flat, but the lower surface obtusely keeled in the basal part of the midrib, with scattered round rimmed glands, which are smaller and more numerous towards margin, larger and less numerous towards the keel; spur 1, 5-7 mm long; superior pitchers infundibuliform, 16-20 cm high. Male inflorescence raceme; pedicels 1-1.5 cm long, very angular and grooved, attenuate, nearly all with 1 flower (rarely 2-flowered), Tepals orbicular-elliptical, about 2 mm long. Staminal column about 2.5 mm long (including the anther) and situated in 1 whole and an apical group. This cultivar is probably the one with the best horticultural merit of the cultivars raised. It is large, has colourful pitchers, and shows fast growth form and strong habits. The colour contrast and soft morphological characters of the plant body of Nepenthes ' Nagoya ' Hort. ex Kusakabe were received from the paternal parent, Nepenthes thorelii Lecomte and the large quantitative characters were derived from the maternal parent, Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.."
Nepenthes 'Nakaccho' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nakaccho' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: priority for one possible parentage /later synonym of Nepenthes hybrida Hort.Veitch ex Dombrain
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. /Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 6. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nakanogo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nakanogo' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookerae Hort. ex Lindsay but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 10. 10. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nanbara' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nanbara' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes bellii Kondo * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 6. 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nasu' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nasu' Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 2. 10. 1978
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nell Horner' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nell Horner' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the librarian/editor at Missouri Botanical Garden, N.Horner
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:35 (1950)
"Pitcher egg-shaped to pear-shaped, without the prominent neck, 4 inches or more high, lower half 2 inches in diameter, pale green flushed with pink, veins conspicuously pinkish toward the neck; pitcher wings 1/2 inch wide, with prominent reddish marginal hairs; lid never erect, purple-spotted on the under-side and flushed with purple on the upper, with a prominent green spur; rim green and corrugated. Leaves to extended pitcher 14-16 inches long; blade 3 inches broad, irregularly denticulate on the margins; petiole 2-3 inches long."
Nepenthes 'Nighttime Regal' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nighttime Regal' Mann & Stuart
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
Web Publication:
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth.
Originator: P.Mann & M.Stuart, from Bau, Sarawak, before 1996
Nominant: P.Mann & M.Stuart
Registrant: P.Mann & M.Stuart
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:20 (1997)
Propagation: cuttings
Etymology: after the dark colouration
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
"The leaves are very dark green, lanceolate, 4 cm wide, 20 cm long, speckled maroon on the under surface. The lower pitchers are typical of Nepenthes gracilis Korth. with darker purple flecks which are cylindrical in shape, 6 cm in length, 1.5 cm wide. The small cylindrical peristome is green and purple in colour. The upper pitchers are remarkably larger than typical Nepenthes gracilis Korth., 12 cm in length, 3 cm in width, dark red to maroon turning almost brown with maturity. The lid is elliptical and wider than the mouth with maroon on both sur-faces. The mouth is orbicular and almost flat with a fine cylindrical peristome, green with occasional red stripes. The inner surface of the pitcher is green with red flecks. Two toothed wings are found on the full length of the pitcher. The ten-dril is 16 cm long. An unusual, vigorous plant that produces larger and darker coloured upper pitchers the taller it gets, being a feature opposite to most other Nepenthes L.. It grows well in lowland conditions and takes easily from cuttings."
Nepenthes 'Nina Dodd' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.17:20 (1988)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nina Dodd' C.Dodd
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.17:20 (1988)
Web Publication:
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: C.Dodd, 2225 S. atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32018, USA, 1984
Nominant: C.Dodd
Registrant: C.Dodd, 31. 12. 1987
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.17:20 (1988)
Propagation: vegetative
Etymology: after originator's relative
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.17:20 (1988)
"The general appearance of the cultivar is about mid-way between that of its parents. The shape of the pitcher resembles that of the seed parent. Stems are dark green and slightly tomentose. Leaves are petiolate, 45 cm long, 12 cm wide, dark green above and lighter below; tendrils are light green. Lower pitchers are 10 cm high, 5 cm wide, with two frilled wings 20 mm wide. Pitchers are heavily mottled red and green. The peristome is light green striped with reddish purple. The lid is about 2.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, light green above and mottled red below. At the junction of lid and peristome is an upright, unbranched spur. Upper pitchers have not yet formed nor has the cultivar flowered."
Nepenthes 'Niwa' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Niwa' Hort.Nakagawa ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes fushimiensis Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes bellii Kondo
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 24. 11. 1985
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Noboriryu' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Noboriryu' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes vandiana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 6. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Nora' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Nora' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Web Publication:
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: M.Baumgartl, Marie's Orchids, CA, USA, early 1990's
Nominant: P.D'Amato, California Carnivores, Forestville, CA, USA, 1995
Registrant: P.D'Amato, 4. 2. 2000
Horicultural comment: Registered 1. 10. 2000 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:89 (2000)
Propagation: only by vegetative means
Etymology: after nominant's relative Eleonore D'Amato
Description: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
"I chose three outstanding clones, which were named Nepenthes ' Marie ' D'Amato, Nepenthes ' Frau Anna Babl ' D'Amato, and Nepenthes ' Nora ' D'Amato. All three of these clones are marked by bright red peristomes with white interior pitchers, the exteriors variably colored with pink blush to heavy streaks of purple."
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.29:88 (2000)
"Nepenthes ' Nora ' D'Amato has streamlined lower pitchers which measure up to 18 cm (7 inches) in length. Its teardrop shaped peristome is deep red, very slightly fluted, and barely .6 cm (1/4 inch) wide. The interior of the pitcher is cream-colored. The heart-shaped lid is coarsely and irregularly shaped in outline, inflexed, and heavily streaked and spotted red. It becomes dark red where it meets the peristome. The wings are prominent and finely fringed. The pitcher body's exterior is a pale lime-yellow, flecked with dark red streaks, and suffused in lighter red along the upper part. The upper pitchers are unknown. (The second parent is) a plant of unknown parentage found at the botanical garden at Sens, France, by Marcel Lecoufle."
Nepenthes 'Ogo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ogo' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), doubtfully correct (=?[Nepenthes ' Attractive Fuso ' {Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu}])
Nepenthes 'Okazaki' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Okazaki' Hort.Amano ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: T.Amano, Aichi, 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Okuyama' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Okuyama' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes leessii Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 10. 8. 1979
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Oriental Rouge' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Oriental Rouge' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Otokuni' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Otokuni' Hort.Yamamoto ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes truncosa Hort.Westphal but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes truncata Macf. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: T.Yamamoto, Kyoto, 20. 5. 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Peter D'Amato' Savage Garden:275 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Peter D'Amato' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:275 (1998)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes briggsiana Marabini ex D'Amato but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes lowii Hook.f.
Originator: J.Marabini, Hoechstadt an der Aisch
Nominant: W.Baumgartl
Horicultural comment: name not registered with ICRA (originator's consent missing)
Standard: Savage Garden:274 (1998)
Etymology: after the author of the name
Description: Savage Garden:275 (1998)
"One variety, named Nepenthes ' Peter D'Amato ' D'Amato by Bill Baumgartl, has smaller pitchers solidly colored blood red. Other clones have rather sizable pitchers with paler coloration."
Nepenthes 'Petra' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Petra' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba * Nepenthes bongso Korth.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Pisacho' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Pisacho' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes tobaica Danser * Nepenthes talangensis Nerz &Wistuba
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Prosperity' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Prosperity' auct. non Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo: Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Horicultural comment: unacceptable homonym of [Nepenthes ' Prosperity ' {Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo}]
Nepenthes 'Prosperity' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Prosperity' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: H.Kubo, Kagawa, 2. 1977
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Rapa' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Rapa' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 26. 10. 1992
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Raven' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Raven' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Sakura ' Hort.Kubo ex Lauffenburger
Synonym: =Nepenthes mikei Salmon & Maulder * Nepenthes gymnamphora Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Red Rocket' Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Red Rocket' G.Bourke
Publication: Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: ?, to AU, from PH in the 1970's or 1980's
Nominant: G.Bourke, Corrimal, NSW, AU, 2010
Registrant: G.Bourke, 12. 6. 2010
Horicultural comment: Registered 29. 6. 2011 {JS}
Standard: Carniflora Australis 7(3):6, fig.3 (2010)
Propagation: by cutting
Etymology: after vigorous nature of plant and its colouration
Description: Carniflora Australis 7(3):5 (2010)
"Nepenthes ' Red Rocket ' G.Bourke (Figure 3) is a selected clone of Nepenthes alata Blanco introduced into cultivation in Australia in the 1970's or 1980's. The plant derives its name from its vigorous nature and its all over reddish colour and deep red upper and lower pitchers. Interestingly unlike many clones of Nepenthes alata Blanco, Nepenthes ' Red Rocket ' G.Bourke (...) lacks an appendage under the lid of the pitcher.
(...)This is an adaptable cultivar being able to tolerate both highland and lowland conditions. Bright light is preferred for good plant colour as stems can remain green in low light levels. Pitcher colour however remains red in all conditions."
Nepenthes 'Red Skeleton' Savage Garden:259 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Red Skeleton' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:259 (1998)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1990
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the consistence and the colour of the pitchers
Description: Savage Garden:259 (1998)
"This bony-looking plant has long, thin leaves with skinny, skeletal pitchers dark maroon in color."
Nepenthes 'Remilly' J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.6:664 (1905)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Remilly' Hort.Desloges
Publication: J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.6:664 (1905)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes deslogesii Desloges
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: R.Jarry-Desloges, 83, Boulevard Hausmann, Remilly, 1905
Nominant: R.Jarry-Desloges
Awards/patents: first class certificate (Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.), 1905
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the locality of origin of the artificial hybrid
Description: P: J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.6:664 (1905)
"Feuilles enormes. Urne de 30 centimetres de longeur, verte, recouverte presque completement de taches allongees, rouge brillant; gorge avec hourrelets enormes, etales hori-zontalement, a peines ondules et de coloris rouge groseille; opercule erige, vert en dessous, recouvert de taches rouges en dessus. Les bords de la gorge ont des ressemblances avec ceux, si particuliers, du Nepenthes lanata Lindl. ex Mast. qui a ete le porte-pollen dans l'hybridation d'ou est sorti le Nepenthes tiveyi Hort.Veitch ex Mast.."
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.38:379 (1905)
"Nepenthes ' Remilly ' Desloges has a large collar, spreading widely horizontally, as in Nepenthes lanata Lindl. ex Mast.. (...) A very handsome pitcher 24 centimeters long, 18 centimeters in circumfer-ence, broadly cylindric, dark green with many reddish purple streaks anastomosing to form a net-work, wings deep laciniate at the mouth. The opening of the throat broadly ovate acute, sur-rounded by a broad, spreading, reddish collar, deepest above, gradually narrowing below and marked by numerous uniform radiating ridges; lid ovate, oblong obtuse greenish spotted outside, slightly keeled on the inner surface and with relatively few glands."
Nepenthes 'Rex' Savage Garden:259 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Rex' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:259 (1998)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1986
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Description: Savage Garden:259 (1998)
"The distinctive pitchers are speckled pink and have large wings and a tall, vaulted peristome."
Nepenthes 'Rokko' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Rokko' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes masamiae Hort. ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: G.Yamakawa & I.Kusakabe, Tokyo, 1977
Nominant: I.Kusakabe
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Standard: Savage Garden:272 (1998), (only pitcher on extreme left)
Nepenthes 'Ron Determann' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:39 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ron Determann' C.Dodd
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:39 (1989)
Web Publication:
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: C.Dodd, 2225 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32018, USA, summer 1984
Nominant: C.Dodd
Registrant: C.Dodd, 25. 8. 1988
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:39 (1989)
Propagation: vegetative
Etymology: after R.Determann, Atlanta Bot.Gard.
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.18:39 (1989)
"While seedlings from the cross are typically lightly spotted, this cultivar is almost uniformly green. It largely resembles the seed parent, grows vigorously and produces many pitchers. Pitchers are larger than those of either parent and are accompanied by numerous short shoots. Stems are 1-1 1/2 cm in diameter. Leaves are 28 cm long, 6 cm wide, med. green and slightly whitish-orange tomentose. tendrils are 14-20 cm long and similarly tomentose. Pitchers are smooth, 15 cm tall, 8 cm wide, with two frilled wings. Pitchers are light green outside and light red inside; mouth is oblique, 5-6 cm in diameter. Peristome is 1 cm broad, light green with inner and outer edges red. Lid is oval-shaped and green in color flushed with red. The spur is unbranched and 1-1 1/2 cm long."
Nepenthes 'Rouge' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Rouge' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), epithet illegitimate (conflicting with Rec.19.D.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Rubra' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Rubra' Hort.Weiner ex Hinode-Kadan
Publication: 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes outramiana B.S.Williams ex Denny
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: M.Lecoufle
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ruby' Gard.Chron.3.ser.42:284 (1907)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ruby' Hort.Veitch ex Marshall
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.42:284 (1907)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes nobilis Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Jones, Veitch nurseries, Chelsea, before 1907
Nominant: J.Veitch, 1908
Registrant: J.Veitch
Awards/patents: Award of Merit, RHS, 1907
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.42:284 (1907)
"This plant has very broad pitchers, each about 23 cm (9 inches) in length and 10 cm (4 inches) in breadth. The colouring is a shade of red, as is indicated in the name. The wings are small, but the rim is finely developed. The plant had very robust leaves, and four excellent pitchers."
Nepenthes 'Sachiko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sachiko' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 27. 3. 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Saitoh' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Saitoh' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes hookeriana Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampulllaria Jack
Originator: Y.Nakagawa, Aichi, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Sakura' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sakura' auct. non Hort.Kubo ex Lauffenburger: Hort.Kubo ey Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Yatomi ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: H.Kubo, Kagawa, 1984
Horicultural comment: later homonym, name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Sakura' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sakura' Hort.Kubo ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mikei Salmon & Maulder * Nepenthes gymnamphora Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Sanderiana' in sched. (1980)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sanderiana' auct. non Burb.: Hort.
Publication: in sched. (1980)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast., later homonym Nepenthes sanderiana Burb.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Sanglant' Gard.Chron.3.ser.46:393 (1909)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sanglant' Hort.Desloges
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.46:393 (1909)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: R.Jarry-Desloges, 83, Boulevard Hausmann, Remilly, 1905
Nominant: R.Jarry-Desloges
Awards/patents: certificat de merite (Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.), 1908
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: (French: "bloody") after red colouration of pitchers
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.46:393 (1909)
"(...) particularly Nepenthes ' Remilly ' Desloges and Nepenthes ' Sanglant ' Desloges have a reddish colouring which comes from the male plant. They were raised (...) from a cross between Nepenthes curtisii var. superba Hort.Veitch ex Marshall, fer-tilised by the pollen of Nepenthes northiana var. pulchra Desloges, a beautiful variety of Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.. The point of interest is that most of the seedlings have greenish pitchers, whilst few are reddish. The brown spotted , greenish pitchers are generally of a clearer shade than Nepenthes curtisii var. superba Hort.Veitch ex Marshall or Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.."
Nepenthes 'Santa Mira' Savage Garden:273 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Santa Mira' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:273 (1998)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Frosty Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes stenophylla Mast. * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: P.D'Amato, California Carnivores, 7020 Trenton-Healdsburg Rd., Forestville, CA 95436, USA
Nominant: P.D'Amato
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the location of the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" in the 1956 film version of the novel.
Description: Savage Garden:273 (1998)
"All of the offspring were similar to their attractive parents, but even more richly colored."
Nepenthes 'Sanyo' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sanyo' Hort.Okamura ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: M.Okamura, Okayama, 13. 4. 1986
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Saturn' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Saturn' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes albomarginata Lobb ex Lindl.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1. 9. 1988
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Savanah Rose' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Savanah Rose' Hort.Bednar ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: later, acceptable synonym of Nepenthes ' Emmarene ' Hort.Westphal ' Savanah Rose ' Hort.Bednar
Synonym: =Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Scarlet Splash' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.30:75 (2001)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Scarlet Splash' Hinkson
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.30:75 (2001)
Web Publication:
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes stewartii Hort.Moore
Synonym: =?Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: unknown, Europe in the late 1980s
Nominant: S.J.Hinkson, Las Vegas, USA, 23. 4. 2001
Registrant: S.J.Hinkson, 23. 4. 2001
Horicultural comment: Registered 21. 10. 2001 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.30:78 (1997)
Propagation: vegetative only
Etymology: descriptive adaptation of the common name for [Nepenthes coccinea {B.S.Williams ex Mast.}], "scarlet pitcher plant".
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.30:75 (2001)
"Nepenthes ' Scarlet Splash ' Hinkson is a variegated hybrid. From its appearance, I think it is probably a clone of Nepenthes coccinea B.S.Williams ex Mast., Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin. It is distinguished by its yellow variegated foliage. The pattern of variegation appears mostly as longitudinal stripes centered along the leaf-blade midrib (see Figure 1). The dark green leaves, decorated with patterns of pale green and light yellow variegation are striking, especially when red highlights also appear in the leaves. The pitcher lids and parts of the pitcher body may also be variegated. Nepenthes ' Scarlet Splash ' Hinkson has scarlet pitchers which measure 10 cm long on average (4 inches), and have a deltoid, red and green striped peristome which is about 1.2 cm (0.5 inch) wide (see Figure 2). The oval lid is slightly domed with a small keel."
Nepenthes 'Sens' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sens' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ? * Nepenthes ?
Originator: botanical garden at Sens, France
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (not registered with ICRA, no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the provenience of the plant
Nepenthes 'Shamenbana' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:8 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Shamenbana' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:8 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Amy Michelle ' Hort.Bednar
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 18. 10. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Shinjiku' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Shinjiku' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes minamiensis Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: Y.Okami, Tokyo, ca. 1930
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the locality of origin of the artificial hybrid, the Imperial Botanic Garden Shinjiku
Nepenthes 'Shinjuku Grandifolia' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Shinjuku Grandifolia' Hort. ex Hinode-Kadan
Publication: 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes minamiensis Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly; formally impossible variety of cultivar!
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: O.Fukuba, Tokyo, ?1914
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the locality of origin of the artificial hybrid, the Imperial Botanic Garden Shinjiku
Nepenthes 'Shinjuku' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:12 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Shinjuku' Makino ex Fleming
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:12 (1979)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes minamiensis Hort.Naito & Kikuchi ex Kusakabe but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: O.Fukuba, Tokyo, ?1914
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the locality of origin of the artificial hybrid, the Imperial Botanic Garden Shinjiku
Nepenthes 'Shivas Regal' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Shivas Regal' Mann & Stuart
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
Web Publication:
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes tobaica Danser
Originator: D.Shivas, Queensland, late 1980's
Nominant: P.Mann & M.Stuart
Registrant: P.Mann & M.Stuart
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:20 (1997)
Propagation: cuttings
Etymology: after the breeder D.Shivas
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.26:19 (1997)
"This plant is a climbing vine similar in growth to Nepenthes tobaica Danser but larger in all respects. Leaves are sessile to partly decurrent, leathery, 20 cm long and 3 cm wide. Stems are singular, almost square in cross section. In high light leaves assume maroon colour. Lower pitchers are purple maroon in colour, to 20 cm in length, 5 cm in width, tubular with lower third ovate. Spur undivided. Wings, two toothed as in Nepenthes tobaica Danser. The mouth is teardrop shaped, angled, the peristome dark purple in colour, and as with Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. devoid of distinct teeth on the inner margin. The inner surface of the throat is mottled with light red and green. The lid is elliptical, dark purple in colour. Upper pitchers are like those of Nepenthes tobaica Danser, square fronted with toothed wings absent. The mouth becomes more square in shape, the peristome finer in detail. The colour becomes lighter mottled with yellow and green all over. The leaves are lanceolate to 20 cm long, dark green in colour. This hybrid prefers cooler tempera-tures, thriving in highland conditions. It is a difficult plant to propagate by cuttings."
Nepenthes 'Showa' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Showa' Hort.Okamura ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: M.Okamura, Okayama, 4. 9. 1988
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Singapore Giant' Savage Garden:249 (1998)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Singapore Giant' D'Amato
Publication: Savage Garden:249 (1998)
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: P.D'Amato, from Malaysia
Nominant: P.D'Amato, 1998
Horicultural comment: registration preliminary (standard missing)
Etymology: after the size of the plants (the provenience does not really seem to be Singapore)
Description: Savage Garden:249 (1998)
"Giant plants are known from Sabah, Malaysia, and another from Malaysia is nicknamed Nepenthes ' Singapore Giant ' D'Amato."
Nepenthes 'Sir William Thiselton Dyer' Gard.Chron.3.ser.28:256 (1900)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sir William Thiselton Dyer' Hort. ex Mast.
Publication: Gard.Chron.3.ser.28:256 (1900)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes picturata Hort. ex Gordon
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: G.Tivey, Chelsea, 1900
Nominant: Veitch
Registrant: Veitch
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Gard.Chron.3.ser.28:257 (1900); (b/w line drawing)
Etymology: in compliment to Sir W.T.Dyer, Director of Kew Gardens
IMAGE: Standard Photo
Description: Gard.Chron.3.ser.28:256 (1900)
"It was raised as a cross out of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast. * Nepenthes dicksoniana Lindsay ex Mast., (...). The general appearance of the pitcher is shown in our illustration (fig.76, p.257), the colour of the spots being purplish-brown on a green ground. As shown, it is larger than either of its parents. The finely ribbed rim is sometimes undulate, as in Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.; the wings have a fringe of fine brownish hairs, and the lid has not only the ordinary long, slender spur at the back, but also the hump-like process which is characteristic of Nepenthes curtisii Mast.(...)."
Nepenthes 'Snazz Chas' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Snazz Chas' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes mikei Salmon & Maulder * Nepenthes gymnamphora Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes spectabilis Danser
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Sohma' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Sohma' Hort. ex M.Lecouflenom.dub.
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Synonym: =?Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Spali' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Spali' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Supari ' Hort.Nakagawa ex Lauffenburger
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 7. 11. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'St. Louis' Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'St. Louis' G.H.Pring
Publication: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: G.H.Pring, Missouri Bot.Gard., 1943
Nominant: G.H.Pring
Registrant: G.H.Pring
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:31 (1950); (b/w)
Propagation: clonal
Etymology: after the originator's institution at St.Louis, Mo.
IMAGE: Standard photo
Description: Mo.Bot.Gard.Bull.38:33 (1950)
"Pitchers pear-shaped, dark blood-red when young, lighter in age, sparsely green-mottled, 4 inches long, 2 inches wide at base, 2 1/2 inches wide above; pitcher wings prominent, green, mottled reddish-purple, 1/4-1/2 inch broad; marginal spines prominent;rim deep purplish-red toward lid; lid green-spotted and splashed with purple. Leaves 18-22 inches long, blades 2-3 inches wide."
Nepenthes 'Supari' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:16 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Supari' Hort.Nakagawa ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:16 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 7. 11. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Superba' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Superba' auct. non Hort. ex Bonst.: Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort.Okuyama ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: B.L.Bednar, 1984
Horicultural comment: later homonym, name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Superba' Parey, Blumeng.1.ed.1:666 (1931)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Superba' Hort. ex Bonst.
Publication: Parey, Blumeng.1.ed.1:666 (1931)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: G.Tivey, Chelsea
Nominant: C.Bonstedt
Registrant: C.Bonstedt
Horicultural comment: name not registered, standard missing
Etymology: after stronger colouration
Description: Parey Blumeng.1.ed.1:666 (1931)
"Nepenthes ' Superba ' Hort. ex Bonst. und Nepenthes ' Sanguinea ' Hort.Veitch ex Mast. haben staerkere Zeichnung, sind jedoch sonst sehr aehnlich."
Nepenthes 'Suzue Kondo' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Suzue Kondo' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Comment: synonym of Nepenthes aigae Hort. ex M.Lecoufle
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: M.Kondo (acc. to Kusakabe), T.Kondo (acc. to K.Kondo), Nagoya, Fall 1965
Nominant: K.Kondo, Hiroshima, 1974
Registrant: K.Kondo
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: K.Kondo 1360 (NCU); original living plant ( N-SU-12): Kondo Collection, Nagoya
Etymology: After relative of originator
Description: Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.10(3):8 (1991)
"Sex not yet identified. Stems climbing, the section with adult leaves cylindrical, 5-10 mm in diameter, glabrous. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, 15-18 cm long X 5-6 cm wide, with petiole 2-3 cm long, sometimes sessile, bases clasping 1/2 to completely around the stem, apex acute to aristate, 4 longitudinal veins on each side of the blades, parallel in the outer 1/3 of the blade, glabrous; pennate veins numerous, running obliquely towards the margin, leaf margin entire; tendrils the same size or shorter than the leaf, pitcher-bearing ones always with a curl, glabrous. Pitchers dimorphic, glabrous, grayish light-green coloured, with numerous red coloured spots in the middle to the upper part of the outer surface; inferior pitchers short and narrow, 6-8 cm high, shortly curved in from the hanging tendril, rounded at the base on the average tubulous, somewhat ventricose in the lower part, infundibuliform in the upper part, 2-3 cm wide in the ventricose part, 2.0-2.5 cm wide in the middle, 1.5-2.0 cm wide around the mouth; mouth nearly round, oblique, curved in and acuminate towards the lid, or elongated into a neck 0.5-1.0 cm long; peristome incurved, 0.5-1.5 mm wide in front, 2-3 mm wide at some distance from the lid, dark red coloured; with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, the wings 2-3 mm wide, the fringe segments 2.0-2.5 mm long, shorter in the lower part of the wings, lower in the middle to upper part of the wings, about 1.0 mm apart; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower 1/2; lid almost orbicular, subcordate, lid apex retuse, lid margin entire, glabrous, 1.5-2.0 cm long X 1.2-1.5 cm wide, flat, but the lower surface obtusely keeled in the basal part of the midrib, with scattered round rimmed nectar glands; spur 1, 3-4 mm long; superior pitchers infundibuliform, 6-7 cm high. Although Nepenthes ' Suzue Kondo ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo and Nepenthes ' Nagoya ' Hort. ex Kusakabe were obtained from the same parentage, they are quite different from each other. Nepenthes ' Suzue Kondo ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo resembles morphologically the maternal parent, Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast., small quantitative characters in this cultivar might be due to the paternal parent, Nepenthes thorelii Lecomte. Nepenthes ' Suzue Kondo ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo grows slowly but is very vigorous, and carries sufficient horticultural merit. This cultivar was introduced to a horticulturist in southern California in 1974, and it is expected to be propagated and dispersed to many growers in the world."
Nepenthes 'Taipei' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Taipei' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ?
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Takao' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Takao' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes ' Yamana ' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Takayuki Sakai' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Takayuki Sakai' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes tobaica Danser * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: M.Kondo & T.Sakai, Nagoya, ?1948
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Tametomo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Tametomo' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ' Elaborative Koto ' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 20. 10. 1983
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ted Payne' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ted Payne' Hort. ex Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'The Succubus' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.42:27 (2013)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'The Succubus' M.Kaelin
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.42:27 (2013)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes briggsiana Marabini ex D'Amato but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco
Originator: G. & A.Mansell, Exotica Plants, AU
Nominant: M.M.Kaelin, Bellmore, NY., US, 7. 2012
Registrant: M.M.Kaelin, 1. 10. 2012
Awards/patents: "Best-in-Show" at the 2012 ICPS Conference and "Best-in-Show" at the 2010 NECPS Exhibition
Horicultural comment: Registered 30. 3. 2013 {JS}
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.42:28, Figs. 5 & 6, 29, Fig. 7 (2013)
Etymology: after feminine, vampish appearance
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.42:27 (2013)
"The characteristics that distinguish Nepenthes ' The Succubus ' M.Kaelin from a somewhat similar cultivar Nepenthes ' Peter D'Amato ' D'Amato are that Nepenthes ' The Succubus ' M.Kaelin has exaggerated features of the pitcher mouth with a flaring peristome (Fig. 1), and larger peristome teeth with the pitcher lid consistantly exhibiting numerous hairy spikes (Fig. 2) The pitcher body is squat, robust, and bulbous. The pitcher coloration is deep red, even the tendril and pitcher base are richly colored a uniform red. The upper pitchers are still quite deeply colored and have great peristome striping, with deep reds and flushed yellows.
The pitchers of Nepenthes ' Peter D'Amato ' D'Amato tend to be longer and more slender and do not have the consistent, full lid of hairy spikes nor as large peristome teeth. The parents of Nepenthes ' Peter D'Amato ' D'Amato, according to The Savage Garden (D'Amato 1998 p.274), are Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes lowii Hook.f..
The female Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. * male Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco cross (note that the female and male parents are reversed) that produced Nepenthes ' The Succubus ' M.Kaelin gives this cultivar stronger Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. characteristics such as the lid spikes, peristome teeth, and more contorted features, but making it less tolerant of warm temperatures and not as fast growing.
The deep coloration, numerous lid spikes and striped peristome, even on the upper pitchers are all distinguishing characteristics that set this individual apart from other Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. * Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco hybrids.
Also, the plant grows large like Nepenthes lowii Hook.f., compact like Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco, and produces pitchers frequently, making it a great indoor specimen (Fig 3). It grows well in warm temperatures, but exhibits the best characteristics in cooler temperatures akin to the Nepenthes lowii Hook.f. parent.
The plant has flowered and is a female."
Nepenthes 'Tokuyoshi Kondo' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Tokuyoshi Kondo' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack
Originator: M.Kondo & T.Sakai (acc. to Kusakabe), T.Kondo (acc. to K.Kondo), Nagoya, Fall 1970
Nominant: K.Kondo, Hiroshima, 1974
Registrant: K.Kondo
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: K.Kondo 1361 (NCU); original living plant ( M-SU-1): Kondo Collection, Nagoya
Etymology: After originator
Description: Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.10(3):8 (1991)
"Sex not yet identified. Stem climbing, the section with adult leaves cylindrical, 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, glabrous. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, 20-25 cm long X 4.0-5.5 cm wide, petiole 3-4 cm long, bases clasping 1/3-1/2's around the stem, apex acute to aristate, glabrous, 3 longitudinal veins on each side of the blades, parallel in the outer 1/2 of the blade; pennate veins numerous, running obliquely towards the margin from the midrib, leaf margin entire; tendrils the same size or shorter than the leaf blade, pitcher-bearing ones always with a curl, glabrous. Pitchers dimorphic, glabrous, yellowish light brown coloured, with numerous dark brown coloured spots in the whole part of the outer surface; inferior pitchers shortly incurved in from the tendril, short-ellipsoidal, well developed ones about 7 cm high, 5.5-6.0 cm wide, width under the mouth shorter than that of the widest middle part of the pitcher, with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, the wings 0.7-1.2 cm wide, the lower part wider than the upper part, the fringe segments filiform, 0.2-1.0 cm long, about 1.0 mm apart, sometimes absent in the lower part; mouth very oblique, curved in towards the lid, almost vertical near the lid and elongated into a short neck; peristome cylindrical up to 2.5 mm wide, light brown coloured, sometimes 6-10 dark brown coloured stripes; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower 1/3; lid almost orbucular (sic!), about 3 cm long X about 1.7 cm wide, flat, yellowish light brown coloured, with scattered round rimmed numerous nectar glands, spur 1, filiform to a little flattened filiform, dark brown coloured, about 6 mm long: superior pitchers infundibuliform, about 10 cm high. The maternal parent plant, Nepenthes ' St. Louis ' G.H.Pring, is a back-cross hybrid of Nepenthes chelsonii Hort.Veitch ex Mast. to the male plant, Nepenthes dominiana Veitch. The 4/7 portion of the hybrid influence in Nepenthes ' Tokuyoshi Kondo ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo was given by Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack according to the parentage combinations. Indeed, this cultivar resembles Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack both morphologically and quantitatively. Nepenthes ' Tokuyoshi Kondo ' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo was bred for the distinct characteristic of the egg-shaped pitcher. It is quite vigorous in a regular orchid greenhouse, and has high horticultural merit."
Nepenthes 'Tomomi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Tomomi' Hort. Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Hachijo, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Trina' in sched. (1996)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Trina' Hort.Salmon & Maulder ex Mann
Publication: in sched. (1996)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes ventrinermis Hort.Westphal but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes inermis Danser
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Tsangoya' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Tsangoya' Tsang ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage, stated to be a natural hybrid but ranges of parents do not overlap
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco * Nepenthes merrilliana Macf. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Originator: B.L.Bednar, 1993
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Tsujimoto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Tsujimoto' Hort. ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack
Originator: E.Tsuijimoto, Tarakazuka Botanic Garden, Hyogo Pref., 1951
Transliteration: from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: after the originator of the artificial hybrid, E.Tsujimoto
Nepenthes 'Velvet' in sched. (2003)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Velvet' Deroose
Publication: in sched. (2003)
Comment: ?later synonym of Nepenthes mixta Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =?Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees
Originator: Deroose, BE, before 2003
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Venus' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Venus' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes truncata Macf.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1993
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ville de Rouen' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ville de Rouen' auct. non Hort.M.Lecoufle ex Kusakabe: Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
Comment: priority for supposed parentage but name illegitimate (later homonym)
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Ville de Rouen' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:6 (1983)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Ville de Rouen' Hort.M.Lecoufle ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:6 (1983)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes gracilis Korth. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes sanguinea Lindl. * Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Vezier, Bot.Gard.Rouen, before 1981
Nominant: M.Lecoufle, 1981
Registrant: M.Lecoufle
Awards/patents: presentation to the RHS Plants Committee, London, on 14. 7. 1979 (no data received from RHS)
Horicultural comment: Registered 10. 11. 1998 {JS}
Standard: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:148 (1986); (b/w line drawing)
Etymology: from the locality of the originator's institution
Description: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
"Of the parentage of Nepenthes ' Ville de Rouen ' Hort.M.Lecoufle ex Kusakabe, I am unsure. The pitchers are pale green suffused with pink and literally streaked in red. The peristome is deep red."
Nepenthes 'Vittata' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Vittata' Hort.Bednar
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes hareliana Hort.Bednar but latter name not published validly
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. * Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: B.L.Bednar & O.C.Bramblett, 1990
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), Latin epithet (violating Art.19.13., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Winged' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Winged' Hort. ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
Synonym: =Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Rafarin
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP), epithet doubtfully acceptable (conflicting with Rec.19.D.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Yakkome' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Yakkome' Hort.Okuyama ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Comment: later synonym of Nepenthes tiveyi Hort.Veitch ex Mast.
Synonym: =Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 12. 1984
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Yamana' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Yamana' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Publication: List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Comment: simultaneous synonym of Nepenthes ' Takao ' Hort.Nakagawa ex Y.Fukatsu
Synonym: =Nepenthes ampullaria Jack * Nepenthes northiana Hook.f.
Originator: Y.Nakagawa (Ikeda), Aichi, 1998
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Yatomi' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Yatomi' Kusakabe ex J. & P.Pietropaolo
Publication: Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl. * Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f.
Originator: M.Kondo & T.Sakai, Nagoya, 1965
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Yoyogi' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Yoyogi' Hort.Atsumi ex M.Lecoufle
Publication: Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Comment: priority for parentage (of which accuracy is questionable)
Synonym: =Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes deaniana Macf.
Originator: H.Atsumi, Tokyo, 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Yubama' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Yubama' Hort.Okuyama ex Lauffenburger
Publication: Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Comment: priority for parentage
Synonym: =Nepenthes alata Blanco * ?Nepenthes smilesii Hemsl.
Originator: I.Okuyama, Hachijo, 30. 7. 1982
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Nepenthes 'Zonal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
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Cultivar: Nepenthes 'Zonal Koto' Hort.Kawase ex Kusakabe
Publication: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Comment: possible later synonym of Nepenthes ventrata Hort. ex Fleming but the latter name not published validly
Synonym: =?Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco * Nepenthes alata Blanco
Originator: K.Kawase, Kyoto, 8. 1983, from PH
Nominant: K.Kawase
Transliteration: partially from Japanese
Horicultural comment: name not established (no description, violating Art.24.1., ICNCP)
Etymology: propagated at Kyoto (Koto)


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